The IPF worlds, while it may be the best "fed" meet in the world, doesn't mean a lot for most local lifters, especially if they can compete with their friends, and in any gym without worry from some silly made up rules, made by a guy with an agenda. ....
I know that when I first started competing I had zero interest in going to a world championship, competing in any international comp or even travelling out of state. I was just focused in on getting better at competing on a platform and improving my results. It was me vs the barbell, nothing else. So, certainly, for most, if not all, beginners, the whole IPF issue is just foreign politics.
Fortunately, there are lots of opportunities to lift including "real" competitions and "unofficial" beginners events. (I think, but I'm not certain, that Marcos from PTC started that.)
Once a beginner aspires to the next level, National comps, they then start to look higher at regional and international comps. That's when the big divide happens.
But, RIGHT NOW, as in, AT THIS MOMENT, there is only one drug tested powerlifting fed (PA) with APU yet to nail down any sort of testing at all, in any comp or out of comp. Only PA has whereabouts info locked in place, only PA has actual drug testing taking place on a regular basis (or any basis, I believe), only PA has out of comp testing, only PA has legal power to identify and suspend/ban failed lifters and only PA has government backing (and financing) for such.
At worlds in Calgary, Canada, next month, APU lifters will be able to be tested via the self funded IPF testing system in place for international comps.
That's how things are at the moment, for better or worse. I'm sure that will change, one way or the other. I, for one, am looking forward to that changing.
But, lifters need to know that AT THE MOMENT, RIGHT NOW there is no drug testing in APU and for some (hi Chris Lewis) it is disingenuous to avoid this unpleasant fact, or to indicate, by omission, that there is no current drug testing for any APU athletes.
This is not a political jab, just stating the facts in an even handed manner. I am, currently, an APU member. I am not, but have been, a current PA member. If I'm wrong about any of that, I'm happy to be educated.