Kyle Aaron
Active member
I forgot to say that yesterday the woman who'd previously accused me of sexism asked about nutrition, "Don't different breeds of people put on weight differently?"
"Breeds?" the teacher asked, as people laughed.
"Yeah like Asians are all skinny and stuff."
"Um... not all of them. You'll find that's diet. When Asians eat nothing but Macca's and KFC they get fat, too."
"Oh. I thought different breeds were different."
The one who accused me of sexism turns out to be racist, kind of ironic, really
Today attendance was rather down compared to yesterday's exam. Must be Post-Exam Blues. Or maybe people are just sick of this exercise programming stuff.
We saw a cheesey DVD that went on about energy systems (repeating the old misinformation) and talked about recovery. It had the strength & conditioning coach for Richmond AFL club, apparently (I don't follow the footy) they don't perform too well and have a fair few injuries, so people were sceptical of his advice.
The DVD took 30 minutes to say "um yeah, you should do some light work after your heavy work, stretch, get massages, and jump in hot and cold water." I wasn't aware most gyms had masseurs on staff, along with cold pools and hot saunas, but there you go.
After that we had to write up a workout programme we could do outside the gym (interesting for a gym instructor...) "All you have is a sport oval and a bench."
"What's the client like? Age, health, fitness, strength, goals?"
"Don't worry about that, just write a programme."
"..." I looked blankly at the teacher.
"Well, write it for yourself."
We then went down to the basketball court to do it while the teacher shot some hoops not watching us at all. Five minutes in, it rained and the teacher sent us home. I was quite happy to keep training but apparently rain will cause severe injuries.
Wolverine is preparing a big list of things to show to the Senior Educator which boils down to, "this is buggered, are you going to fix it?" I think the answer will turn out to be "nup," which is why I expect to do Cert IV somewhere else.
So, not really a productive day, but it got me out of the house and cycling. I got rained on cycling home, too, amazingly it did not cause me any severe injuries, just a wet bum.
"Breeds?" the teacher asked, as people laughed.
"Yeah like Asians are all skinny and stuff."
"Um... not all of them. You'll find that's diet. When Asians eat nothing but Macca's and KFC they get fat, too."
"Oh. I thought different breeds were different."
The one who accused me of sexism turns out to be racist, kind of ironic, really

Today attendance was rather down compared to yesterday's exam. Must be Post-Exam Blues. Or maybe people are just sick of this exercise programming stuff.
We saw a cheesey DVD that went on about energy systems (repeating the old misinformation) and talked about recovery. It had the strength & conditioning coach for Richmond AFL club, apparently (I don't follow the footy) they don't perform too well and have a fair few injuries, so people were sceptical of his advice.
The DVD took 30 minutes to say "um yeah, you should do some light work after your heavy work, stretch, get massages, and jump in hot and cold water." I wasn't aware most gyms had masseurs on staff, along with cold pools and hot saunas, but there you go.
After that we had to write up a workout programme we could do outside the gym (interesting for a gym instructor...) "All you have is a sport oval and a bench."
"What's the client like? Age, health, fitness, strength, goals?"
"Don't worry about that, just write a programme."
"..." I looked blankly at the teacher.
"Well, write it for yourself."
We then went down to the basketball court to do it while the teacher shot some hoops not watching us at all. Five minutes in, it rained and the teacher sent us home. I was quite happy to keep training but apparently rain will cause severe injuries.
Wolverine is preparing a big list of things to show to the Senior Educator which boils down to, "this is buggered, are you going to fix it?" I think the answer will turn out to be "nup," which is why I expect to do Cert IV somewhere else.
So, not really a productive day, but it got me out of the house and cycling. I got rained on cycling home, too, amazingly it did not cause me any severe injuries, just a wet bum.