Morning all,
Looking for a bit of advice mainly on how much I should eat.
Brief background, I have lost a 18kg of weight over 12 months and have kept it off for 6 months by training for triathlons, so lots and lots of cardio, now I am wanting to get a bit of size to me.
I am 173cm and 70.3kg (this morning)
got a DEXA scan the other day which shows the following (not exactly sure what I'm reading)
Weight - 70.7kg
Muscle Mas - 33.0kg
Body Fat Mass - 12.4kg
Total Body Water - 42.6kg
Fat Free Mass - 58.3
Body Mass Index - 23.6
Percent Body Far - 17.6
So I start my new diet and exercise plan today (still writing the exercise, probably 5x5 + some accessories + cardio) but I'm kinda making it all up as I go.
I am a nurse who works shift work (mostly afternoons, starting at 2pm), so times will vary but will pretty much be along these times.
0700 - 2 English Muffins with Peanut Butter + Nubreed Devour
0830 - Muesli and Yoghurt
1000 - Pre workout - 1 teaspoon Creatine, 1 scoop Crank preworkout (Preworkout will depend on mood, I'm not a huge fan of stimulants they really hit me hard and I have trouble sleeping at night when taking them)
1100 - Post workout - 1 teaspoon Creatine, 1 scoop Superior Whey, 1 scoop Extreme Carbs
1200 - Banana (Might even combine this with the post workout, and make a smoothy or something)
1330 - 100g Brown rice, 100g Mixed veg (frozen), 95g Tinned Tuna (Chili) + Nubreed Devour
1530 - 60g Fruit and nut mix
1800 - Dinner with the family, this will vary from indian, roast and veg or spaghetti bolognese or what ever the missed and her son feels like. + Nubreed Devour
2000 - Dessert
I figure before I get too stressed about tracking macros etc I need to get past the beginner weights first.
This diet is following advice from the various PT's I have spoken to, who all say I haven't been eating enough food, which I agree with because I was actively cutting weight.
My biggest concern is I don't want to get fat again, and to be honest I'm half way through day 1 and I'm struggling to eat this much food,
SOO!! Question is, am I over doing it? Do I need more / Less food?
Looking for a bit of advice mainly on how much I should eat.
Brief background, I have lost a 18kg of weight over 12 months and have kept it off for 6 months by training for triathlons, so lots and lots of cardio, now I am wanting to get a bit of size to me.
I am 173cm and 70.3kg (this morning)
got a DEXA scan the other day which shows the following (not exactly sure what I'm reading)
Weight - 70.7kg
Muscle Mas - 33.0kg
Body Fat Mass - 12.4kg
Total Body Water - 42.6kg
Fat Free Mass - 58.3
Body Mass Index - 23.6
Percent Body Far - 17.6
So I start my new diet and exercise plan today (still writing the exercise, probably 5x5 + some accessories + cardio) but I'm kinda making it all up as I go.
I am a nurse who works shift work (mostly afternoons, starting at 2pm), so times will vary but will pretty much be along these times.
0700 - 2 English Muffins with Peanut Butter + Nubreed Devour
0830 - Muesli and Yoghurt
1000 - Pre workout - 1 teaspoon Creatine, 1 scoop Crank preworkout (Preworkout will depend on mood, I'm not a huge fan of stimulants they really hit me hard and I have trouble sleeping at night when taking them)
1100 - Post workout - 1 teaspoon Creatine, 1 scoop Superior Whey, 1 scoop Extreme Carbs
1200 - Banana (Might even combine this with the post workout, and make a smoothy or something)
1330 - 100g Brown rice, 100g Mixed veg (frozen), 95g Tinned Tuna (Chili) + Nubreed Devour
1530 - 60g Fruit and nut mix
1800 - Dinner with the family, this will vary from indian, roast and veg or spaghetti bolognese or what ever the missed and her son feels like. + Nubreed Devour
2000 - Dessert

I figure before I get too stressed about tracking macros etc I need to get past the beginner weights first.
This diet is following advice from the various PT's I have spoken to, who all say I haven't been eating enough food, which I agree with because I was actively cutting weight.
My biggest concern is I don't want to get fat again, and to be honest I'm half way through day 1 and I'm struggling to eat this much food,
SOO!! Question is, am I over doing it? Do I need more / Less food?