
100 years ago now, back in 1916, Dr Frankenstein created his masterpiece (so he thought), in the form of a monster. That 100 year old monster had a name, he was called Sharif Hussein bin Ali, you may recognise his legitimacy through the birth certificate under the title of the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence. Of course many events have taken place since that day, and even though the original monster has long been dead, he's insured that his progenies would keep his name not only alive, but also protected by the ones who have created it.
Around that time (so the story goes), few other monsters were created in the Arab Muslim majority land. Two of those were critical in that their illegitimate births created a political mess back in the day, a mess that remains until today 100 years later. What were these two new monsters named? One was called The Sykes-Picot Agreement, whilst the second one was named The Balfour Declaration.
So now we have three created monsters in total. Fast forward 100 years to 2016 and what we've got today is the following: an utter mess that was created by the west in the aftermath of WWI. The competing agreements and the subsequent countries that were created to disunite Muslims from each other led to political instability throughout the Middle East. The rise of Zionism coupled with the disunity of the Muslims in that region has led to corrupt governments and economic decline for the Middle East as a whole. The divisions that the British instituted in the Muslim world remain strong today, despite being wholly created within the past 100 years.
Why, why can't those Arabs get their act together; unite as one and revolt against the west once and for all?
It's because of this fact: Epistemic Violence......., basically a processes of dehumanisation.
So I ask myself, will you Mr.Trump be a defuser or a diffuser of violence Sir? As you can see from what I've written above, I do not like monsters, and I certainly don't like people who are in the business of creating them. So perhaps 100 years is the ripe time to see a change for the better..., on all fronts. We need more talking, understanding, and respecting, and less hatred and violence (in all its forms) if we are to prosper and move forward as one human race.