This thread is not for telling you girls how to train. Its purpose is to inform you on how other girls are lifting at another gym, what progress they are making etc.
Firstly, every single girl that lifts at PTC wants exactly the same thing that every girl busting their ass in gyms around the world wants, to be sexier.
I dont have a single girl lifting to get huge or even remotely larger, less bodyfat and a more defined upperbody, nice legs and butt. Thats the physical goals for every girl.
The strength goals though are quite interesting. Firstly it was to do dead hang wide grip unassisted chins. They've seen Nina doing them, and they all want that.
Once they had been lifting for a few weeks, and they realised they were getting stronger, they then liked the fact they could match the men in some lifts. Deadlift especially. Nina and Amanda have also squatted 100kg+.
I currently have over 20 girls at PTC. They all vary in the ammount of sessions they do per week.
Nina, Bec, Annie and Amanda all do over 7 each, they do 2 sessions per day quite often. These are the 4 strongest girls in the gym, and fittest.
The rest all do around 2-3 with some doing just 1 session per week.
Nina did 3 sessions yesterday, but only went for a 3k run tonight.
As far as weights used goes, instead of going back, I'll just comment on what happened tonight.
Annie is preparing for our lifting comp on Saturday, so she just tested her openers. She benched 55kg easily, squatted 80kg, powercleaned 61kg, push pressed 40kg x 8. Annie has been training since March.
Bec squatted 75kg, Christy squatted 70kg, both efforts are PB's
Kat trained later on tonight and squatted 80kg. These squats are all well below parallel. Kat also benched 50kg.
I have Vicki training tomorrow, she is 36yo, weighs 58kg, benches 52.5kg, deadlifts 110kg and squats 75kg. Less than 12 months lifting.
I have a group of 4 women who started on Tuesday, aged between 30-42, very unfit and out of shape, 3 of them smokers. They have booked in to train 4 mornings a week.
They do KB deadlifts, swings, cannonballs, step ups with weight, bench press, military press, KB bent rows and 10 minutes of different cardio every session.
Their progress will interest the beginners, while the more experienced of you can follow the other girls.
Thats a pic of Bec and Annie, fooling around with a 210kg deadlift lol
Annie deadlifts 125kg and Bec can do 130kg
Amanda does 136kg and Brittany 135kg, Nina's best is 127.5kg
Thats Brittany deadlifting 135kg @ 70kg and 19yo, 6 months of lifting.
Thats Nina chinning with added weight,her best is 16 full range deadhang chins.
As I get other pics of the girls, I'll post them up.
Feel free to ask any questions.
Firstly, every single girl that lifts at PTC wants exactly the same thing that every girl busting their ass in gyms around the world wants, to be sexier.
I dont have a single girl lifting to get huge or even remotely larger, less bodyfat and a more defined upperbody, nice legs and butt. Thats the physical goals for every girl.
The strength goals though are quite interesting. Firstly it was to do dead hang wide grip unassisted chins. They've seen Nina doing them, and they all want that.
Once they had been lifting for a few weeks, and they realised they were getting stronger, they then liked the fact they could match the men in some lifts. Deadlift especially. Nina and Amanda have also squatted 100kg+.
I currently have over 20 girls at PTC. They all vary in the ammount of sessions they do per week.
Nina, Bec, Annie and Amanda all do over 7 each, they do 2 sessions per day quite often. These are the 4 strongest girls in the gym, and fittest.
The rest all do around 2-3 with some doing just 1 session per week.
Nina did 3 sessions yesterday, but only went for a 3k run tonight.
As far as weights used goes, instead of going back, I'll just comment on what happened tonight.
Annie is preparing for our lifting comp on Saturday, so she just tested her openers. She benched 55kg easily, squatted 80kg, powercleaned 61kg, push pressed 40kg x 8. Annie has been training since March.
Bec squatted 75kg, Christy squatted 70kg, both efforts are PB's
Kat trained later on tonight and squatted 80kg. These squats are all well below parallel. Kat also benched 50kg.
I have Vicki training tomorrow, she is 36yo, weighs 58kg, benches 52.5kg, deadlifts 110kg and squats 75kg. Less than 12 months lifting.
I have a group of 4 women who started on Tuesday, aged between 30-42, very unfit and out of shape, 3 of them smokers. They have booked in to train 4 mornings a week.
They do KB deadlifts, swings, cannonballs, step ups with weight, bench press, military press, KB bent rows and 10 minutes of different cardio every session.
Their progress will interest the beginners, while the more experienced of you can follow the other girls.

Thats a pic of Bec and Annie, fooling around with a 210kg deadlift lol
Annie deadlifts 125kg and Bec can do 130kg
Amanda does 136kg and Brittany 135kg, Nina's best is 127.5kg

Thats Brittany deadlifting 135kg @ 70kg and 19yo, 6 months of lifting.

Thats Nina chinning with added weight,her best is 16 full range deadhang chins.
As I get other pics of the girls, I'll post them up.
Feel free to ask any questions.