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Shorty, the newsletter & progress


One of the more popular newsletters I did was the one on Shorty. Its easy to simply show how a big strong guy lifts, but Shorty started from scratch on a very basic program.

Here is the link to the newsletter


Well Shorty has just competed in a deadlift/bench press competition. Now being an official comp, he wore his lifting gear. This helps him, but I thought I would post his lifts up, with a video. He weighed in at 69.6kg, which is heavy for him.

He managed to bench press 140kg and deadlift 225kg

Here are links to the videos.

YouTube - Shorty's Deadlifts Toronto

YouTube - Shorty's Bench Press

Shorty is flying down from Sydney to PTC to compete at BATB3 in 2 weeks. I'll update his progress in this thread.

Hopefully it may motivate a few lifters.
Shit, I dont know lol

I'll ask him, although I 'm guessing by the fact he didnt attempt to make weight (67.5kg) he was simply there to hit PB's
Looks like Shorty has joined the forum, fantastic.

I guess that'll rattle the Record Boards.

Wecome Ray
A wonderful example of what a person can do with hard work and consistency. He could be a Charles Atlas advert in my WWII Commando comics I had when I was a kid :cool:
But his best feature is how nice and polite he is. Like he's covering something.

Something you guys dont know about Shorty is that he models at Pumpkin Patch.
Far out, that is amazing. How did he place Markos?

Hey Josh, i didn't bother cutting weight as all i wanted to do was compete to get practice in my other bench shirt and deadlifting in my squat suit.

To hit some new Pb's

There was only 1 other lifter in my weightclass, but i beat him so i came first i guess. Only a small local comp, i'm looking forward to the PTC 5 lift comp this weekend Can't Wait!
Hey Josh, i didn't bother cutting weight as all i wanted to do was compete to get practice in my other bench shirt and deadlifting in my squat suit.

I've got my first IPC comp comming up in mid december. Would this appraoch be a'ight do you think? Of course it's something i'll also talk to my coach about, I"m curious to hear what a fellow short guy has to say.

Welcome to the board also! Bloody fantastic lifts. Next time i do a bench press PB & it's 85, i'm going to half feel bad (that it's not 140), while also feel proud that i'm slwoly making progress!
What has Pete got your clean up to Shorty, thats all thats keeping you from a 500 Wilks on Saturday

Only saw Pete for a total of 3 sessions, as i got distracted by the Push & Pull Comp i did two weeks ago.. the heaviest i went with Pete was only 70kg so i doubt foresee a 500wilks this saturday unfortunately :(
I've got my first IPC comp comming up in mid december. Would this appraoch be a'ight do you think? Of course it's something i'll also talk to my coach about, I"m curious to hear what a fellow short guy has to say.

Welcome to the board also! Bloody fantastic lifts. Next time i do a bench press PB & it's 85, i'm going to half feel bad (that it's not 140), while also feel proud that i'm slwoly making progress!

What approach are you referring to Powerbuilder?, probably best hear the advice of your coach thats what you have him for right?

I use to bench 85kg, its only a matter of time if you keep consistent and train correctly. also that 140kg paused competition bench is with a single ply bench shirt, raw my bench is only 115kg tough & go.

PROGRESS IS PROGRESS be it 5kg or 1kg pb its moving forward as long as you don't lose the drive you'll right mate.