I fully understand your comment Von, and I dislike both scenarios should they eventuate. Having said that, what is the alternative in your opinion, to arm the people, to...? Basically what I'm asking you (and would sincerely appreciate an answer sir) is this: whatever system they have in the US currently, seems to be failing the nation as a whole, irrespective of the whys, as I have pointed out before. They need something different in order to arrive at a different result. What in your opinion, being a gun owner, would be that different "something"?Tighter gun laws just means only the criminals have guns and yes the police would use that as an excuse to search more homes, not just criminals.
Moving right outside the circle if I may, would you even consider that perhaps the US is suffering from uncontrolled freedom? Too much freedom is the opposite side of that coin that has oppression and suppression stamped on it. Neither three are healthy nor productive in my opinion. A balance need to be struck, however that balance can not be achieved unless all parties agree that there is such an issue with freedom etc. Would love to get your wise feedback on this very deep subject Von. Thank you.