When police tell you to do something, then do it, I would say> They operate on procedure, and they want to go home to their family and kids at the end of the shift. Only takes a split second for someone to pull a gun or knife.
I see your point Mick, however my point was if for example you decided
not to comply with say an order to "stop!", and decided to keep on walking, or refuse to whatever (with your hands fully visible etc, as was the case in the OP), at what point would your actions warrant that officer to pull out his gun and threaten you with it? Me personally, I'd say at
no point (based on the examples) I've presented, should a police officer pull out his gun. He can do/use many other things at his disposal, but to threaten with a deadly force,
when not threatened, is to abuse his powers of self defense.
I would say a police officers life is at risk each time they stop a car, interact with a suspect, attend a domestic, or any other incident.
I would not say that at all. And to say that, would be to see police officers with guns drawn all the time...but we do not see that.
Here is a quick sample how fast things can go wrong:
Thank you for that video Mick. This was a
huge mistake on the officer's part, as he failed miserably to insure full safety for his life, and the life of others in this situation. Why do I say that? Because to me, there is no difference between a concealed weapon and a concealed hand. And as you can see from the video above, the officer was way too laid back, too trusting you may even say, to allow this man to keep his hands in his pockets for the duration of their conversation. He paid the ultimate price for such a mistake, and that's the unfortunate bit in that story.