post up some stats instead of bragging about poking a hole in your blow up doll
How do you know it was a blow up doll ???
It might have been one of these "real dolls"

post up some stats instead of bragging about poking a hole in your blow up doll
I don't drink alcohol or eat pizza or simple carbs.
Anyway say what you like.
I've put on 2kg this week so far and I'm lean as.
And I also got laid 3 times today.
My replies have been to Kyle Arnold just because he is such a douche.
I'm really not sure about your advice Fadi. 13 000 calories a day and 4000 cal breakfast to me just seems very unrealistic for a 78kg person to be able to eat.
11 eggs in the morning????
Man I feel sick thinking about eating 30 eggs. I struggle with any more than 5 to be honest. I was allergic to eggs until I hit my 20's. I enjoy eggs but can't smash down that many!!
I have 2 mates who have awesome bodies and they live on kfc. Both are lean and very muscular.
I don't think you guys understand my body. I need to eat a hell of a lot of fat, a hell of a lot of carbs, and a shit load of protein.
I have never ever put on any noticeable fat in my entire life. I'm lean as all hell and if I don't eat a lot I just waste away.
I'll let Fadi cover the diet, but I don't see how it was a joke at all. Don't forget he was 18 at the time and lifting 8 times a week (I think) and it would have been INTENSE lifting I would imagine. I reckon on 5000 cals you would be bulking pretty good.
As for a tolerance to eggs, can you please explain that?
weight (went from 82kg to 80kg). I just need to eat incredibly large amounts of food.
Ladies & Gentlemen,
I've read all your comments and all do make sense. Please realise however that this is a phase some people go through in life when their metabolism is on fire (with an appetite to match) and it does not necessarily mean a life habit is forming here.
If all of us could advice a young person to stay away from something and to build a habit by staying away from it for life: I'd advice against the consumption of alcohol. Period.
That's my opinion and I respect yours as always.