lies, thats in your mind.
well mk?
take a photo from the other side, lets see how big your arm looks from the back, thats what comps care about
what im saying is, you don't win a bb comp with huge bicepts and no tricepts, everything needs to be balanced, and i don't see balance... what IM working on is balance, so i don't care how or what others are, im working on MY goal, and MY achievements in bodybuilding, and big bicepts is the last on the list. but enjoy your bro shit![]()
bigger is bigger, threres no way he'd beat me in comp. ive entered the ausbb comp, how about you do it, and i beat you too?
Hands up here who is currently entered in a BB comp.
and mk, aka robo whatever. show it or shut up!
bazzaa do you not realise, the same people in comps are the same people you walk and talk with?
no you have no idea beacause you put on 10kg on a holiday and you treat your body like shit, thats not my fault, most people have legit potential...
too bad.
your getting left behind this time...
what the fuck is wrong with your body to put on 20kgs'....
serious, says alot about you.. and you know nothing about metabolism. stop, just stop.
i already eat 6-8 meals a day and even on holidays, struggle to put on even 5kg. your doing shit seriously wrong... again, not my fault, don't blame me for your shitty choices and hence results... and trust me, i eat ALOT, i probably eat more than you, but i have more muscle. thats how it works son.
Nothing wrong if you saw the amount of food I ate. It's working perfect. And i lose it quick when I go back to normal. I'll lose weight on 4000 calories a day. Lol.
Not like you who eats like a 13 year old girl with an eating disorder. I wonder who has something wrong with their metabolism.