You completely missed the point of the post.
You are making assertions without any evidence. It's not my role to prove you wrong. It is your responsibility to prove that you are right. There is no way I could have the time or indeed the effort to spend disproving every imagined loony idea that comes into some crazy persons head. But that is actually what you are trying to do.
Indeed your logic can just as well be applied to the claims of Scientology. Now I know they might be right, but at this time I see them as somewhat nutty and dangerous. They have as equally valid argument as you make. I can't prove them wrong either. But I note that you can't both be right so one of you is wrong.
If you want to prove it to me then just provide some simple evidence. I will not bind you to a method of my determination. You pick, it just needs to be logical, observable.
You throw up a lot of words and use them as if there are fact when I would say they are fiction. Given you were poking fun at the Atheist why not prove to me that your single god exists.
My motivation was your post and the article that you linked. I thought it was funny.