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Recommend Protein Powder please

Dymatize is good for the price but the reason i still buy the On Gold Standard is because I like how it mixes better. If you have tried both you will know what i mean. Serving sizes are the same if you look at their information and similar specs

The biggest reason I buy the ON Whey is because it has Glutamine in it and BCAAs Dymatize doesnt.
Dymatize is good for the price but the reason i still buy the On Gold Standard is because I like how it mixes better. If you have tried both you will know what i mean. Serving sizes are the same if you look at their information and similar specs

The biggest reason I buy the ON Whey is because it has Glutamine in it and BCAAs Dymatize doesnt.

Dymatize has BCAA's

All protein's do!

I have tried Dymatize choc, berry choc mint all pretty nice!

Using Next Gen Mega Pro now! taste niiiiiice!
Dymatize has BCAA's

All protein's do!

I have tried Dymatize choc, berry choc mint all pretty nice!

Using Next Gen Mega Pro now! taste niiiiiice!

Yeah all proteins do but in what amounts is the question.

[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Dymatize's exclusive ELITE formula provides the perfect ratio of Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids in their most easily assimilated form.
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Each serving of ELITE whey Protein is enzymatically pre-digested in the lab for improved absorption and bioavailability. [/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT][FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dymatize Elite Whey Protein contains very high levels of Anti-Catabolic Branched Chain Amino Acids. Each serving of Elite Whey Protein provides over 3.5 grams of glutamine and glutamine precursors and 5 grams of BCAA’s. These BCAA’s are an excellent source of muscle fuel which may be depleted during intense training."

[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nice.
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On the side of the box it will tell you how much bcaa's there is per 100g in the elite!
I Just bought the dymatize neopolitian, and i gotta say i really dont like the taste, especially the chocolate one :S

Before I started using dymatize I was using weight gainers for a bit so maybe I'm just a bit spoilt because they generally taste better :P but tbh i thought it would taste a bit better
How often do you guys take the protein powder? I got the dymatize ISO 100 in choc and its nice.
It depends on what I eat for the day.

I have a scoop in a shake in the morning, along with oats, milk, banana and honey. I have another Protein shake with fruit and milk during the day at work as I can't really prepare much at that time and I eat enough as it is at work. I have one scoop post Workout with water. I also have Cassein before bed, but that is because I am over Cottage Cheese and letting that rest for a while.

I could probably drop the one in the middle of the day and replace with some whole food though. Angie, try either some Unflavoured protein next, or Optimum Nutrition 100% gold standard whey in Vanilla. It is not bad.

Bulk is certainly the cheapest whey to go about it. Man I am so funny.
i just got a sample of Genetix Nutrition's' chocolate flavoured protein, serving size 40gms, 32gms of protein included and it was damn tasty! i think im sold on it after i finish my current ON and Max's HP+ containers. It actually tastes like melted chocolate ice cream when mixed with water (the 3 in 1 napoliton or whatever its called). I saw on nutrition warehouse its something like 129$ for a 3kg tub, comes with 250gms of glutamine and if u spend 150$ u get free shipping.
Hi guys. As you all know, I am new to this.

I spoke to a personal trainer who trains body builders and he recommended for me to take a supp called Myocel-sr and a seperate Leucine in my post workout protein shake( dymatize ISO-100).
Has anyone tried OR taking myocel? He said to take it before bed and upon wakening in the morning.:confused:
I haven't looked at it in any great detail Angie but it looks like bloody expensive Cassein Protein. Cassein is a slow absorbing protein that is used for when you go to sleep as a slow release to feed your muscles over night. It is WAY over priced for 908g. Bulk Nutrients sells Cassein for 60 - 80 for 2kg. I had not used any of that Cassein stuff until very recently, also I have never used Leucine at all. Leucine is an Amino Acid that is present in your protein anyway.

Sometimes I think there is to much empahsis on supplements and not enough on diet. As you look as though your diet is in order I reckon a simple Whey Protein Concentrate would be enough. Possibly some room for Cassein protein, but it hasn't stopped me from gaining muscle. This stuff can get bloody expensive quick!
I know it can be expensive.
So should I be taking it night and morning? Maybe dont use the leucine powder?
I am hoping all the **** wont put weight on, but lean muscle. I take the myocell in the morning as I was told but I am finding that it fills me up, and I cant fit breakfast in.
I would no forego Breakfast for a protein shake. Whole food is important as it will provide you with alot more nutrition and get your metabolism going better. I only use Cassein protein just before bed, which is essentially what that Myocell stuff is.
Please tell me the name and contact of your trainer who told you to buy that waaaaaaaaay overpriced cassein protein. I want to roast him (what a fool).

As Josh said you can get double for less elsewhere. Also a Whey Protein is more beneficial for you at this stage.

Also GNC (any product) is overpriced, please do not buy from there unless it is absolutely neccessary, your case isn't, you could have purchased elsewhere.

I'm very mad....very mad.

it wasnt my personal trainer, it was the guy at the health store who is a personal ,so he says. He said to take the products(myocell and leucine) night and morning. Leucine is to be mixed with my protein shake post workout.
I thought it was too much as I am just starting out. So please tell me if this is ok.

I take the Dymatize ISO-100 just after my workout with some leucine mixed in. Then at night I take the Myocell before bed followed by some cottage cheese.
See, the thing is, I am getting conflicting information from everyone, and I am getting frustrated. All I want is to gain lean muscle and tone up and strengthen up. I dont really know what to do, so I am asking for help from you guys as you are more experienced.

Someone please tell me what to take apart from my daily diet which is fixed up and ok.
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Angie, you are doing great as it is. You looked lean in the photo you put up with some decent muscle tone, much better than the average Woman in my opinion. So whatever you have been doing has been working.

As for the conflicting advice, of course the guy at a Health Care shop is going to be telling you to buy more products, it is in his best interest. It happened to me a bit when I started. I would say the most accurate information you would get would be from people around here. A few people have photos posted and if they look muscular and are dedicated, chances are they know what is going on.

This is how it is for me in order of priority.

1. Diet - Without this in order everything else is a basically a waste of time. A good diet will determine the types of results you get.
2. Training - You need to train for what you want. Consistency and intensity is the key. You need to bust your ass, and do it frequently. Especially if you want to build muscle.
3. Rest - This is also very important when you want to build muscle. To put it simply, when you are sleeping is when your body is building muscle.
4. Supplements - This is a distant 4th as well. I will outline the supps I take and the supps that I think are important.

- Protein Powder - Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) is fine, Why Protein Isolate (WPI) can be expensive and studies suggest it has mariginal benefit over WPC. I also use a Cassein Protein before going to bed. If I don't have Cassein I will eat some Cottage Cheese or something else high in protein that will take a while to break down while I sleep. If you are taking Cassein you do not need to also have Cottage Cheese. They are a substitute of each other basically.
- Multi Vitamin - Some say that if you have a well balanced diet that this is not needed. I still take one though just to top me up if I need it. I am not even sure I do though.
- Creatine - I use Creatine on and off. I am not sure if it does give much affect to me to be honest. It is supposed to supply energy to muscles.
- Fish Oil Caps - Good source of Omega 3 fatty acids. We all know what this stuff does as they harp on about it all the time.

The important times for protein and some carbs are both before and after Workouts. You want to make sure you have some carbs to fuel your workout along with a small amount of protein. After your workout once again you want some carbs and a relatively fast absorbing protein, WPC is fine for that. You should then eat about 30 - 60 mins after your workout. It is also important to eat as soon as you rise or as soon as you can, this will firstly nourish your body and also give your metabolism a good kick start.

Other people like Fadi or Shrek who know a heap more about this might be able to give some more info. But it really is not complicated at all, it is actually very simple. So many people try and over complicate it or go really deep with everything you need. Athletes at the top level could probably benefit from this, but the average weightlifter probably won't so much. If you get the first 3 steps right you are going to get good results. Supplements should be just that, supplementry to a good diet and used in moderation.
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Thanks very much Josh I appreciate all that you said and will take it on board. I prob waited my money, but as I said people people give diff info, and to someone starting out, you tend to listen. I pm's fadi, so hopefully I can get some more info from him. thanks heaps.