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Pervs in the Gym

I have makeup on at the gym because I wear it to work. I go to work during the day, drive to the gym and train. This is the reason most women wear makeup at the gym. And we wear makeup because we have it ingrained that we need to wear it to look better. There is no way my mum would leave the house without lipstick and she really isn't doing it to have a bloke check her out, it makes her feel more comfortable. Plus, she trains at a women's gym and still does it.

Men just do not understand women.

ok, fair enough. Not saying all women want attention from the dudes, but I'm sure many do. I just don't think i've heard a woman legitimately complain about being checked out. But I suppose if someone keeps staring, then that is an discomforting feeling.
When I tell my boyfriend 'don't worry' of 'I don't care' I mean don't worry or I don't care! He just has it in his head that I mean the opposite of what I say.

For example, Saturday night is Indian night. Standard conversation... BF: "What do you want from Bukara?" Me: "Not fussed, whatever you feel like". BF: "No really. What do you want?" Me: "I don't care. You like samosas, so why don't you get yourself some of those". BF" Come one, what do you want for dinner?". As the conversation will continue like this, I pretty much don't care about dinner anymore and just want to punch him in the head. I'm pretty vocal, you know when I'm pissed off or want something.
That example isn't a man/woman thing, bree. It happens in groups of men and groups of women, too. It's just a "I'm lazy and indecisive, please make a decision for me" ;)
When I tell my boyfriend 'don't worry' of 'I don't care' I mean don't worry or I don't care! He just has it in his head that I mean the opposite of what I say.

For example, Saturday night is Indian night. Standard conversation... BF: "What do you want from Bukara?" Me: "Not fussed, whatever you feel like". BF: "No really. What do you want?" Me: "I don't care. You like samosas, so why don't you get yourself some of those". BF" Come one, what do you want for dinner?". As the conversation will continue like this, I pretty much don't care about dinner anymore and just want to punch him in the head. I'm pretty vocal, you know when I'm pissed off or want something.

Your BF doesn`t want to know what you want for dinner he wants to share the decision making process with you.
Next time,take your eyes of the TV and show some interest (even if you are only pretending) and say, "Hmmmmm how about some of those samosas?!I like them and I know you love them!"
Over and done with in a few seconds,avoid an argument,he feels good that he was being sensitive to your needs (something women love to accuse us of not doing) and he is out of your hair.Winners all round.
That example isn't a man/woman thing, bree. It happens in groups of men and groups of women, too. It's just a "I'm lazy and indecisive, please make a decision for me" ;)

haha yeh, this thing happens all the time when me and a few mates want to head to a pub or grab a bite to eat

Driver: so guys where are we heading

me: not fussed man.. aslong as there is beer and chicks

mate1: yeh i dont care either

driver: i dont care either, you guys decide

me: hey ...your the driver you decide

mate1: haha yeh driver ...make the decision

its continues like this for 10 mins....we havent even left the driveway :D funny thing is it happens all the time
I do.

It stops the newbies from hassling me with questions whose answers they'll ignore anyway :)

wearing sunnies in the gym is retarded.

anyway dont you wanna be a PT? maybe instead of shrugging off "newbies" you could try helping them like a PT is supposed to, sure many of them will ignore you but many of your future clients probably will as well so you better get used to it. If anything you could be testing out your newfound knowledge on the ones that listen and you never know, you might end up with a client or two
If you want to attack me, poopoohead, come to my gym journal thread. Don't follow me from thread to thread or even forum to forum to do it, that's cyberstalking, which is a bad thing to do. And it's threadcrapping, which is also bad, too.
I know, but this thread is not my only experience of him :)

But the same goes for you, too, hyjak. Let's try to keep threads on topic. Otherwise people click on a thread about X and it's about Y which they're not interested in, and they just give up on the forum and leave it.

This thread is about "pervs in the gym". Let's keep talking about that.
which threads did I attack anyone?
I just said I didnt trust PT's, and right now my opinion is deffinitly not changing.
And by the way it was you who attacked me after I tried encouraging you.
I am above this and now bored of it so im going to bed. nighty night my muscly friends.
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What's threadcrapping? Am I a forum retard?
A threadjack is when people hijack a thread and turn it to their own topic of interest, one entirely different from the original. Probably doesn't apply after a few hundred posts when no thread stays on topic anyway.

A threadcrap is when you crap on the thread, you deliberately make no topic be discussed there, by saying the topic isn't worth discussing, or the people participating are idiots, etc.
If you want to attack me, poopoohead, come to my gym journal thread. Don't follow me from thread to thread or even forum to forum to do it, that's cyberstalking, which is a bad thing to do. And it's threadcrapping, which is also bad, too.

Lighten up Kyle.
This thread is about "pervs in the gym". Let's keep talking about that.

If you really want to get technical it is a sub forum for females so none of us guys have the right to be here.
Threads go off topic all the time and you have actively participated in dragging threads off topic yourself, albeit unintentionally, but you are complaining now
just because you feel like someone is attacking you.
At the end of the day it is the net so why get all defensive?
I never understood guys perving the gym. Girls hardly look their best all sweaty, red faced, puffing with either no makeup or makeup running down their face. I find it such an odd place to perve!