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Donna Hay slams paleo diet and others as ‘just a new eating disorder’

Did you mistype that?

What the fuck are activated almonds?
Activated Almonds - Almond Board Australia
Advocates of ‘activated' almonds claim that raw almonds contain certain phytochemicals that prevent your body from receiving the full benefit of the nutrients almonds contain.
The activation process requires almonds to be soaked in water for a period of 12 hours. Advocates believe this deactivates the enzyme inhibitors and brings the nut to life. Once the almonds have been soaked, they are then dehydrated at low temperatures (40 degrees) over a 24-hour period. Dehydrated almonds have a similar flavour and texture to roasted.
Apparently Oats contain phytochemicals as well, the body building community is fucked.
Everything is given a label today and made into a fad - eat a balanced diet, have some treats here and there and train hard - of course through some periods of training you will focus on more things than others i.e if I am trying to drop weight I will tend to eat more fat and protein and not as many carbs - because that works for me - acouple days a week I will eat more carbs/re-feed.

But the large % of the time I will eat a balanced diet, including some treats.

I don't count calories, I don't count protein, carbs, fats etc - I feel that people should be educated enough to not even have to do this - I feel that our education system should allow us to have a good idea of what we are putting into our bodies that we don't have to fall into these fad diets - people can't even read nutritional labels for fuck sake - how would a person ever be able to get to the point where they can eat a balanced diet and not have to count every calorie etc - its a joke....this stuff should be taught in schools and should be apart of your education pretty much until yr 10 level....
Not sure what you have against counting calories vs your method of estimating them.

With an app on your phone take 30 seconds a day to count calories.
Not sure what you have against counting calories vs your method of estimating them.

With an app on your phone take 30 seconds a day to count calories.

Never said it was a bad idea!

But alot of people are time poor and yes even some people wont want to take 30 seconds to check every food item they are eating.

I am talking bigger picture here - having the education for people not even having to count calories - just a general knowledge on foods - i.e Yogurt and a bowl of fruit - healthy? mmmm not so much but we are educated through the media to believe so - if we had this basic education in place in schools to say yep 400g of yogurt and 3 bananas are maybe not the best to have in one sitting - even though you may believe your eating a good healthy meal - your eating nearly the same calories as 2 cheeseburgers.

Just simple/general knowledge about food, about calories, about fats, about carbs, about protein - so people can live a good balanced healthy life and not have to follow a fad diet, count every calorie they eat etc etc

Of course when your getting to a athlete style level factors change abit...
Nothing wrong with counting calories.

Once in a while though just let go and don't count.
Nothing wrong with counting calories.

Once in a while though just let go and don't count.

My opinion is, If there is nothing wrong with counting calories then there would be no need to "just let go"

A lot of people are just too obsessed with food
For the obese?

Yes Lol, for the obese.

Personally, last time I ate instinctively for a period of time, when I went back to counting for a while to see what I was doing I found I wasn't eating enough. So I tend to track what I eat to make sure I'm eating enough, not too much!
By let I go I mean when on holidays or away from usual regime (away for work, illness, etc).

Each to their own, both ways can work.