Will knowing what your exact body fat % is make you leaner????
I understand people want to know if a certain nutrition plan is working, but a mirror and your eyes are best I believe.
One of the problems I have with body fat % is that it doesnt tell the whole story.
Lets take woman for example. Most of you should know that female fat deposits are different to male. I have clients that have tiny waists and upper bodys, yet large thighs and bum, a typical female problem area.
Getting her % lower is going to diddly squat for her appearance unless the fat has come off her problem areas, which is seldom the case.
Trust your mirror, eyes and measuring tape. If your thigh measures 23" @ 70kg bodyweight, and now its 22" @ 70kg bodyweight, and you have been disciplined in the gym and dinner table, its a safe bet your going the right way.
Build muscle as you burn fat through proper diet and training, do it for 12 months and you wont care what your % is, neither will your boyfriend.