Do you do non-blinded, placebo controlled, multi-person studies every time you add something new to your diet? How do you know milk or eggs are working for you without conducting a study? Stupid question I know, but this is what it's come to.
So what do you recommend Dr Bazza. Stop taking something I clearly know is working because too many bros talk about it?
The placebro effect is strong with the bros at the gym.
I never made a claim that conflicts with previous research or studies. Even the link you posted didn't dispute its healing/recovery properties. It just said it won't help in muscle growth, which I've never seen advertised on a tub of glutamine anyway.
Do you even know the point you're trying to make?
However, several recent glutamine feeding intervention studies indicate that although the plasma glutamine concentration can be kept constant during and after prolonged strenuous exercise, the glutamine supplementation does not prevent the postexercise changes in several aspects of immune function. Although glutamine is essential for lymphocyte proliferation, the plasma glutamine concentration does not fall sufficiently low after exercise to compromise the rate of proliferation.
Glutamine supplementation abolished the postexercise decline in plasma glutamine concentration but had no effect on lymphocyte trafficking, NK and lymphokine-activated killer cell activities, T cell proliferation, catecholamines, growth hormone, insulin, or glucose. Neutrocytosis was less pronounced in the glutamine-supplemented group, but it is unlikely that this finding is of any clinical significance. This study does not support the idea that glutamine plays a mechanistic role in exercise-induced immune changes.
Ha ha!
good to see threads still have potential to go off track with a serious question!
Wow, how does @Bazza20 ; have time to milk cows and farm the land if he is intensely studying and collating results from 100's of research papers on a wide range of supplements, armed and ready to pounce as soon as a nutritional subject appear on the forum??![]()
So what you are taking is a supplement that you are not deficient in because you are already eating plenty of it anyway for a problem you dont even have. Great use of the research there.
That's the thing. At the moment I'm on a heavily restricted diet. I could be deficient in glutamine based on my caloric intake which is why the supplement is having a positive effect.
Mate you would have better success arguing with a fence post, as it would probably be more responsive and have more common sense, Bazza will argue for the sake of arguing no matter how dumb his argument is (and he has his fleet of bum buddies who will support him and pepper the tread with dumb and pointless posts that add nothing to the discussion), apparently chickens in cages have a better life than free ones as they are protected from predators and live in a climate controlled environment….it's just stupid, but he will argue it.
Just like eating McDonalds and processed food and ice cream is better than eating healthy meals, as he will argue what is healthy, never mind that every competitive successful body builder/athlete follows similar diets, that is just co incidence, just like your results are just co incidence, and he is too silly to understand that the links/quotes he posted up actually do not support his argument, but prove quite the opposite.
Like a human recovering from surgery is a different human recovering from anything, the stupidity of his arguments just hurts my head and I rarely bother coming to the forum now, and threads/discussions/displays of his ignorance like in this thread are the reason why, no meaningful discussion on any topic can be had without suffering through completely brain dead responses, and the usual crowd just throwing stupid comments in which add no value to the discussion.
Good to see you can't get anything right still mock. No wonder you are 30% body fat.
All those arguments you put up just then are nothing like what I said. But good for you make up some more retarded shit to prove you still have no clue.
I'll happily take what I said back if you can quote me saying any of those things.
Good luck with poison grains and quoting the wonderful scientific resource