massive abcess neede surgery on, nearly lost my leg. que the retard saying its not actually the steroids that caused it. well its one of the risks of injecting something into your body which you have to do to use steroids.
I started injecting in 2007 and stopped in 2013. On average I injected 1 times per week for 312 injections.
My injecting process is:
1. Shower
2. Alcohol Swab injecting site.
3. Alcohol Swab top of vial.
4. Draw with a fresh needle.
5. Change to a new needle.
6. Alcohol Swab injecting site again.
7. Inject.
8. Alcohol Swab and Press Site till Bleeding Stops.
I have never had an abscess, infection or complication from injecting.
The risk is minimal. In any activity you partake in you weigh the risks. That goes for using steroids, playing soccer, going to the movies or using insulin. In respect of insulin for diabetics they can also suffer from abscess due to the injections. You can get an abscess from acupuncture, tattooing.
Women can get abscess from waxing their vajaja:
Dr. Gibson says it’s not the case. Shaving, she says, carries a greater risk for the contraction of herpes and other infectious diseases. You can also develop cellulitis, labia infections, abscesses or -- get ready for this one -- boils.
The fact is we live in a pretty dirty world, full of bacteria. Any time the skin is broken there is a potential for infection. This is not limited to steroid injection sites, but a huge array of activities from contact sports, to tattoo parlours to using a toothpick too vigorously to any number of common injections (steroids, insulin etc).
We can't be expected to hide in our beds doing nothing because of small risks.