please explain what raising your test from 8-16 will achieve? pretty sure it will ahcieve fuck all
Well it may make you no longer feel like a pathetic little fuck who cant get an erection or please your wife or girl friend
Sustain erections longer
Orgasm during sex
Should feel more like a man with confidence
You will probably have more drive in the gym
You should make more progress in the gym since you are no longer farting around in your world of depression
Since you have more drive you will probably lift more
You may generally feel better about life and not want to top yourself as you no longer feel like a little bitch anymore
Your sex life should improve
Your health should improve
General mood and wellbeing should improve
Long and short term muscle gains should be easier
Basically all of the common things associated to an increase in testosterone.
Here is what we know - males have more testosterone than females thus we have more muscle
During puberty when our testosterone levels raise our strength, aggression, sexual activity all increases basically you go from a boy to a man
A man with a high testosterone level has better health and generally more muscle mass or the ability to easily put on muscle mass when a stimulus like weight lifting is applied.