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Recent Blood Tests

But you just suggest people use steroids instead?

Steroids work at increasing test. There is no denying that. You are injecting the test directly, yes there is research proving injecting test increases test. It is prescribed by doctors for people with low test.

I didn't suggest people should use roids. I said natural test boosters don't work so you either be happy with what you have got or inject test if you want something that actually works.
looking at naked women raises test
So does listening to load music and cars!

lifting heavy weights (working-out) has a sound effect also.

From an old coot, to you young coots, you've got issues, if you need to try and raise your levels and do that with supplements.
The only thing it's doing is burning holes ($$) in pockets, and if you think it works, it's all in your head.
114.49% increase in testosterone levels on average!

We have many blood tests from users mostly after taking res100 however we do have several tests which are all before and after results. They can be found here: Res100 Reviews and Blood tests | Wicked Supplements
Review # 1,3,6,12,40,64,79,82.

This increase is an average increase of 114.49% in testosterone levels

Real People Real Results

Currently we are collecting small scale trial data with placebo controls for UNSW and fingers crossed all is going to plan we will have the Uni conduct a clinical trial this year.

Say what you want about our product and say what you want about Resveratrol dosages in mice compared to humans - this is the reason we have a product with an enhanced delivery system.

Let me put it to you this way - we know aromatase inhibitors reduce estrogen and thus testosterone production is increased along with unbound free testosterone - the ingredients in Res100 are aromatase inhibitors
Yes they are natural so are many things on this planet which have effect on the body simply look at things like cocaine, heroin, marijuana all natural extracts with massive impacts and effectiveness.

Lastly Many people trust the knowledge of Patrick Arnold in the bodybuilding industry this is what he had to say about resveratrol.

Patrick Arnold said:
i am taking 3-4 grams of resveratrol a day along with my testforce and am feeling like a million dollars. I think high dose resveratrol right now is as good as any OTC SERM or AI on the market right now. Make sure you use the 98 or 99 percent kind cuz the 50% sometimes can give you diarrhea

Patrick Arnold said:
so far there have been four studies by different researchers that indicate resveratrol raises LH, FSH, and testosterone. It seems pretty clear that it has the potential to raise testosteorne in humans. How well it would work with someone suppressed from steroid use i can only speculate, but i see no reason why it would not be similar in some regard to prescription anti-estrogens (if dosed appropriately)

Patrick Arnold said:
the ideal for an athlete is a muscle fiber that is type II but good oxidative capacity. I am strong but with bad endurance and recovery capabilities. so the resveratrol muscle phenotype effects may actually be of benefit to me.

and lets not forget that in the famous rat study they actually showed more power in the rats. so unlike what some people theorize the stuff does not turn you into an endurance athlete weakling

Even a spike in blood levels could cause some down stream issues. It's an interesting compound.
Patrick Arnold said:
a spike can work. remember, it works by influencing gene transcription. once it initiates that process the process proceeds whether the compound is still circulating or not

How do you guys feel about resveratrol downregulating AR's?
Patrick Arnold said:
studies regarding the function of the AR in prostate should not be extrapolated to other tissues. There are host of AR co-regulators that exist in prostate tissue that dont exist in other tissues. In fact influencing these co-regulators is thought to be one way to design SARMs (or anabolic steroids) that have good muscle effects and poor prostate effects.

well i certainly dont feel like i am taking an anti-androgen when i take large dosages of resveratrol

Such high dose of resveratrol will not have a high oxidative effect(Which is not good)?
Patrick Arnold said:
why would it?

have you read the high dose resveratrol studies in animals? do you see anything to indicate toxicity?

is it ok to take resveratrol ED with your daily vitamins? i currently take 1000mg of it a day, wether im on cycle, off it, pct, or not just pretty much everyday like i said, is this ok????
Patrick Arnold said:

Your saying this supplement might better be suited to the building of athletic type II muscle fibers that would be more suited towards endurance ?
Patrick Arnold said:
speculating that its possible

Taken from this forum from Patrick Arnold: http://www.prohormoneforum.com/q-patrick-arnold/32755-resveratrol.html
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A bunch of people on the internet saying something works is not proven results.

One user blows a bigger load since previous wack attempts; it must be Res!

Let's see results from clinical trials!
A bunch of people on the internet saying something works is not proven results.

One user blows a bigger load since previous wack attempts; it must be Res!

Let's see results from clinical trials!
Maybe you should give it a go Bazza. Then you can prove your point.