I have the bar pressing into that as apposed to on it. Always have a bruise there, but im not a bitch lol
Embarresed one of the "pt's" at the gym. Failed on the last rep of a 120kg squat, asked him to grab the othet end and help me lft it back to the pegs, kunce could barely move it.. Had to strip it all down lol.
Whats with all these ******s doing chin ups like a fucking chimpanzee? If you cant do a chin fuck off
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I was thinking more the flip flops and pencl legs
Its our language, suck it ya bogan! Lol
I was thinking more the flip flops and pencl legs
I hope you set him straight instead of just coping it.......It's the in thing to say that you go to the gym.
I copped a hiding from my gym owner yesterday
He accussed me of breaking the mirror, leaving weights on the floor and then threatened me with a $200 fine and cancelation of my membership.
I'm one of the only people that actually puts his weights away and uses a towel, the rage was slowly building inside me and I wanted to knock his block off but I withstood my impulses.