23 years of age, 72kg and 250kg deadlift. Is 0ni our next World Record Holder?
250kg 2nd attempt - YouTube
250kg 2nd attempt - YouTube
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Strong is strong.
Don't start that shit is shit
My bad,
Strong is sexy
But seriously in the heat of an argument I said to [MENTION=8399]0ni[/MENTION]; stop talking about it, go do it and prove everyone wrong and he did. Good on ya mate.
Hes not natural in the slighest and is a disgrace in pretending to be
I enjoy strongman more than powerlifting, I'm just hideously underweight
I've never claimed "natural"
I'll be sure to crush shit and ruin lives in the future though! I'm getting more into strongman as well. Qualified for SA's strongest man U105 as well, just need to get my overhead up
I enjoy strongman more than powerlifting, I'm just hideously underweight
How much gear you gonna need to get to 80kg.
How much gear you gonna need to get to 80kg.
The point being with this comment? or are you asking him what cycle he will really be doing?
Jealous people are always the most judgemental.
That's a bit rude Mr
He still out totals you
Haha the roid boys got to stick together
Fuck up mate.
Yeah I'm real jealous of someone that needs gear to hit 70kg BW.