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pre/rehab equipment/gear

Right, I'm going to go ahead and not believe the advice of a golfer on the use of foam rollers.

I've never yet seen someone tear a muscle due to using a foam roller before a meet, and you'd think that if his point of view had any validity at all it would happen in competition.
Right, I'm going to go ahead and not believe the advice of a golfer on the use of foam rollers.

I've never yet seen someone tear a muscle due to using a foam roller before a meet, and you'd think that if his point of view had any validity at all it would happen in competition.

Yep complete crap.

Kelly Starret is the man to listen to when it comes to this stuff, also Naudi over at Functional Patterns has helped me out of a few tight spots pardon the pun.
Right, I'm going to go ahead and not believe the advice of a golfer on the use of foam rollers.

I've never yet seen someone tear a muscle due to using a foam roller before a meet, and you'd think that if his point of view had any validity at all it would happen in competition.

The guy is really more into sports medicine and science than golf. If he was just some golf dude I would ignore him. And works with all sorts of Athletes. I would prefer so eone who has researched it over internet Broscience.

If you prefer broscience. I was doing tons of roam rolling as a warm up and pulled a hammy on a warm up set of deads. O.o No injuries since I started just doing dynamic and static stretching as a warm up. Hence why I think there is some validity to the idea that foam rolling doesn't really warm the muscle up and may even relax it into a sleep state.
massive amounts of empirical evidence = broscience?
commit seppku by eating your laptop
massive amounts of empirical evidence = broscience?
commit seppku by eating your laptop

Believe what you want. Zen is a really knowledgable guy re execise science.

From personal experience, I don't really feel foam rolling is a good warm up.

Is it good for prehab and rehab. Fuck yes.
I don't care how "knowledgable" he claims to be or you think he is. He is wrong and what he described is physiologically impossible.

I saw Brett Gibbs foam roll while warming up yesterday. He went on to squat 255 and just miss 265 at 83 kgs. If foam rolling as a warm-up is so dangerous, why didn't he tear anything?
I don't care how "knowledgable" he claims to be or you think he is. He is wrong and what he described is physiologically impossible.

I saw Brett Gibbs foam roll while warming up yesterday. He went on to squat 255 and just miss 265 at 83 kgs. If foam rolling as a warm-up is so dangerous, why didn't he tear anything?

Good thread

I have in my box in the lounge room
Foam roller
Rumber roller
cricket ball
bike tyre tube aka voodoo floss band
medicine ball
peanut (two tennis balls)

I use when training
TK knee sleeves for squatting (just started to tear after about 18months though)
THP wrist wraps for low bar squatting and bench

Going to get a TENS machine. Look good :) Thanks Oni.
Purely anecdotal;

Since using elbow wraps, wrists wraps and elbow sleeves (not all at the same time), my enflamed ulnar nerve has come down significantly, no more elbow pain or tingly fingers.
Good thread

I have in my box in the lounge room
Foam roller
Rumber roller
cricket ball
bike tyre tube aka voodoo floss band
medicine ball
peanut (two tennis balls)

I use when training
TK knee sleeves for squatting (just started to tear after about 18months though)
THP wrist wraps for low bar squatting and bench

Going to get a TENS machine. Look good :) Thanks Oni.
Ive just got a belt and knee wraps for "pre" and for rehab just ordered a rumble roller for home which hopefully arrives tomorrow and a piece of green theraband to assist me with stretching...
I am waiting on a Supernova and Gemini from MobilityWOD.

Did you order it from the US Rogue fitness website ? I'm looking to buy one along with the gemini. Would be great news if they ship to Australia (providing shipping cost are reasonable)
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fucked my shoulder up
thought it was rotator cuff
turns out it was just biceps knotting at the insertion
got a golf ball up in my arm-pit and rolled it out, fuck that hurt
got TENS machine on rear delt and biceps now, pretty much fixed