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struggle to eat enough

dad used to wake me up half an hour before I went to bed so I could go to work ... :cool:

we just ate lots of pasta ... and nutella from a jar

You were lucky.
We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank.

We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for six cents a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt.
You were lucky.
We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank.

We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for six cents a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt.

oooh harsh

gotta love that Monty Python influence :D
You were lucky.
We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank.

We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for six cents a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt.

we were so poor we had to kill the cat to feed the dog

bein poor made me dumb too cause I couldn't afford to pay attention at school
we were so poor we had to kill the cat to feed the dog

bein poor made me dumb too cause I couldn't afford to pay attention at school

being so poor, we had no toys, mum would cut holes in our pants just so it would give us something to play with.
what the hell happened in here? lol

good news weighed myself last night and i was 80kg on the dot, so im slowly gaining. i felt strong last night in the gym too, benched 100kg for 6 reps - new PB (i couldnt even really unrack and press 1 rep at 100kg about 3 months ago) so i am happy.
I'm not sure what you mean [MENTION=10656]Kranky[/MENTION]; :)

when my avatar was Grandpa from The Munsters yours was from the same show

then when mine was from Hogans Heroes yours was too and I figured you were playin an avatar copy type of game :o
I have a good picture from my childhood, I'll try and scan it in.
My mum was a nurse and separated from my father when I was young. So when I stayed at my mum's she didn't have a lot of money so my room was this empty room with a bed and a shitload of lego. It was the fucking tits
I have a good picture from my childhood, I'll try and scan it in.
My mum was a nurse and separated from my father when I was young. So when I stayed at my mum's she didn't have a lot of money so my room was this empty room with a bed and a shitload of lego. It was the fucking tits

Nothing worse than standing on a block of leggo in bare feet, it canes.
ok a bit of an update and to save starting a new thread i will just post it here.
if you feel like reading the whole thread you will see i took my diet from between 3000 and 3500 cal per day (which was stagnating my weight at 78kg) up to 4200-4700 cal per day which seemed great at first i gained a couple of kilos in a couple of weeks which brought me to 80kg.
I am now still eating the same amount but have stopped gaining weight i am just fluctuating around 80kg now and have been for the last 2-3 weeks.

wtf? how can i increase my calories by about another 1000-1500 cal per day from a supposed maintenance level and still be just maintaining weight?
ok a bit of an update and to save starting a new thread i will just post it here.
if you feel like reading the whole thread you will see i took my diet from between 3000 and 3500 cal per day (which was stagnating my weight at 78kg) up to 4200-4700 cal per day which seemed great at first i gained a couple of kilos in a couple of weeks which brought me to 80kg.
I am now still eating the same amount but have stopped gaining weight i am just fluctuating around 80kg now and have been for the last 2-3 weeks.

wtf? how can i increase my calories by about another 1000-1500 cal per day from a supposed maintenance level and still be just maintaining weight?

Wow, tapeworm?????

ok a bit of an update and to save starting a new thread i will just post it here.
if you feel like reading the whole thread you will see i took my diet from between 3000 and 3500 cal per day (which was stagnating my weight at 78kg) up to 4200-4700 cal per day which seemed great at first i gained a couple of kilos in a couple of weeks which brought me to 80kg.
I am now still eating the same amount but have stopped gaining weight i am just fluctuating around 80kg now and have been for the last 2-3 weeks.

wtf? how can i increase my calories by about another 1000-1500 cal per day from a supposed maintenance level and still be just maintaining weight?

What activity are you doing besides the gym? I.e cardio, sports etc...

4200-4700 still plenty of room to move - have afew tablespoons of almond oil, add peanut butter to your shakes, eat more fruit, add larger cuts of meat, how much milk are you drinking? whatever it is add another L etc etc etc - I would love to have your problem haha
it takes more than 2 weeks bro

not really, if you are eating in surplus it should start having an instantaneous effect. if the excess calories arent being used they will be stored hence weight gain.
Yes i can understand you arent going to get huge in 2 weeks (thats not what i am questioning, i have been stalled again for two weeks) if you start seeing an increase then it stops and hasnt moved again in two weeks that doesnt make sense.
why would a surplus at 78kg now be not a surplus at 80kg i shouldnt need to add an extra 1000 calories for every 2 kilos lol if thats the case i will be circa 10,000 cal by 90kg haha

i dont do any other activity other than gym and work (no cardio) - i work as a company rep so travel all around perth seeing clients, so not too much exertion there.
thanks rugby - i am currently adding oil to my shakes and trying to incorporate as much into my diet from suggestion earlier in the thread hence how i made a 1000-1500 increase on my previous diet.
haha i would love to not have my problem
[MENTION=12357]d1mitch[/MENTION]; just be patient and give it another week or two.

Honestly, it can take 3-4 weeks before you can tell if it's having an impact in a general direction. Sometimes when I eat more for a couple of weeks I actually lose weight (all the carbs!) and then I drop my kcals a bit and the weight stays stable or goes up a bit.

But if I look at trends over a longer period, it's a different story.

Patience, grasshopper.
What are you realistically expecting to happen in 2 weeks
If you see an increase it will just be water, bloat, some glycogen and fat
Just stay at this level for 4 more weeks and take pics to see the difference
The scale will lie often but pictures do not, it will be obvious if you're getting better or regressing
What are you realistically expecting to happen in 2 weeks
If you see an increase it will just be water, bloat, some glycogen and fat
Just stay at this level for 4 more weeks and take pics to see the difference
The scale will lie often but pictures do not, it will be obvious if you're getting better or regressing

what? lol it hasnt been two weeks total, the scale was consistently moving up slowly for about two weeks and then just stopped at 80 for a further 2-3 weeks going on 3-4 weeks now.
my question is how can you be increasing then just stop... this is the same situation i have had for the past 12 months, my weight increases up to 80 kg then stops dead and wont gain anymore

in my first year i gained from 65ish to 80kg but then stagnated at 80 for approx 3-5 months i got tired of it so i cut back to 75ish and started again. once again i increased steadily back to 80 and stopped, i kept hammering the food and mad it to a very bloated 81kg in another 3 months. i lost some weight due to some some bad times back to 76 and i have been slowly building back up again i was 78kg about 5-6 weeks ago when i was getting suggestions from you guys about increasing my calorie intake. i increased my intake and rose once again to 80 and have stopped again.