Going by the info above, on my low calorie days I'll want a lower fat cut of meat that I eat throughout the day. I want to keep a constant stream of protein but not a constant stream of fats. I want the fats all in one meal. So high calorie fatty days, I'll have a small meal and a large meal like before.
This should help a lot. Also there will be a contrast between the eating habits of low and high calorie days and this should keep my leptin levels tight. The turkey mince was out of stock, so I am going for drumsticks this time, with a dry rub. As such, here is next weeks diet plan:
Low calorie days = 120g fats (105 + 15g fish oil)
High calorie days = 180g fats (165 + 15g fish oil)
This was calculated with a daily average of 150g of fats. Low calorie days were multiplied by 0.8 and high calorie days 1.2.
Also, my waist circumference is down more! Great news. Still no abzz for summer though but at least it almost looks flat when I relax and turn to the side
High protein, low fat paleo day. No more than 50g of fats.
Tuesday & Friday:
High calories
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday:
Low calories
Cheat day
Low calories:
1kg drumsticks (90g fats - 15g remaining for incidental fats)
High calories:
1kg mince (150g fats - 15g remaining for incidental fats)