What about your bowel health [MENTION=8399]0ni[/MENTION]; bet your straining to snap one off eating so much protein.
Have a balanced diet long term is important. What your doing isn't really a lifestyle friendly diet. What about when you go out for Italian or Chinese with friends, do you indulge?
To eat so high protein and lo carb really limits the range of food you can eat
Shitting is the highlight of my day, I get in around 75g of fibre per day
I really don't see the point in trying to emulate what you believe "the paleolithic man" ate in any way or trying to base your own fibre intake on theirs (besides which, where the h'll have you pulled that they ate 150g fibre? Have you found ugh's ancient Mfp log?).. Nothing at all about your life is anything like that lived by paleolithic man, including the majority of the food you eat. They ate what they could get grow or kill, simple as that - you have the distinct advantage of science and centuries of nutritional advancement to broaden your selection of food - McDonald's isn't the only new thing to come about.
Even if you could accurately emulate them, wtf would you? Didn't they live for an average of 30 years or something?
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Even if you could accurately emulate them, wtf would you? Didn't they live for an average of 30 years or something?
I really don't see the point in trying to emulate what you believe "the paleolithic man" ate in any way or trying to base your own fibre intake on theirs (besides which, where the h'll have you pulled that they ate 150g fibre? Have you found ugh's ancient Mfp log?).. Nothing at all about your life is anything like that lived by paleolithic man, including the majority of the food you eat. They ate what they could get grow or kill, simple as that - you have the distinct advantage of science and centuries of nutritional advancement to broaden your selection of food - McDonald's isn't the only new thing to come about.
Even if you could accurately emulate them, wtf would you? Didn't they live for an average of 30 years or something?
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damn thats near on 100g of psyllium per day
This has been discussed before and just because the average life expectancy is 30 or so years does not mean they lived to be 30, it's just an average figure brought about by a high infant mortality rate, and mothers dying at birth and persona getting eaten by wild animals and disease.
This does not mean that they died of old age at 30 due to bad diet or nutrition.
If you have 10 babies born, and 5 die at birth and 5 live to be 80 you have an average life expectancy of 40 years, yet all survivors lived to be 80. Let's say another one dies from disease at 12, and one gets eaten by wolves at 19, and three live to be 80 you are now getting close to a 30 year average life expectancy.
However the real life expectancy of someone who does not meet misfortune is still 80.
Ok, that's pretty much irrelevant to what I asked Mick, but I will rephrase regardless...
Given that everything I have heard suggests that the majority of Paleolithic people loved to the ripe old age of 30 or so... Blah blah blah (insert everything else I said here)
Any references of these figures.
Did you actually read what I wrote??
If you did, you obviously did not understand it.
Where do you get the idea that the majority of people lived to be 30?
May be re read my post or get someone to explain it go you, as it explains it very simply.
History. And mathematics explains it, it's all about understanding what average means and having learned most of this stuff in high school history and maths class. If you are interested the info is easy to find.
Wild love to see references showing any different to what I said
Re averages, most people go to the doctor and are happy if he tells then their bloods came back average, I would be horrified if mine came back average considering the health of the average person.![]()
Mick I understand how infant mortality reduces life expectancy figures. I'm just interested in actual researched figures not shit you just pulled out your arse.
Well had a bit of a look around it appears infant mortality accounted for 15-10% of death, it also appears a huge portion died in battle or hunting due to getting injured or killed during war and from wild animals, as well as disease, with advances in medicine having a huge impact on average life expectancy.
On a personal note, my grandfather died at 59 from a heart attack, my mother had her heart attack at 59, and had a tripple bypass operation, and she is now 75 and going strong, so if she lived in my grandfathers day and age she would have died at 59 as well. My daughter was born premature and spend the first weeks of her life with tubes coming out of her getting fed through tubes and living in a humidity crib (or what ever they are called), may be if she was not born in 2003, but in 1945 or a million years ago, may be she would not be a healthy 10 year old today.
All these things are what increases AVERAGE life expectancy today.