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13 year old girl Benches 240lb RAW

Nobody wrote that is was cheating but it's irrelevant because the meaning behind my post still remains the same

Stop looking at my finger when I point at the moon
Nobody wrote that is was cheating but it's irrelevant because the meaning behind my post still remains the same

Stop looking at my finger when I point at the moon

It's relevant, you're going off like some half cocked maverick renegade stating people are saying she's cheating.

And I've got your moon right here, knackers.
So how does this arch make a mockery of the sport?
Because of the ROM right?
Why is the ROM an issue?
Because it doesn't make it a good spectator sport? Oh no, it's because it allows you to lift more weight and people take issue with this. They think it's an unfair advantage

This girl is 13, people need to get a fucking grip
As it stands, tall guys cannot do the 13 year old year version.

So what?
She can't dunk a basketball or reach cookies on the top shelf like the tall guys can.

Rule says, bum and back touch bench and hands inside *insert whatever it is on the bar here*

Doesn't have an ammendment that says "Section 1c - tall ****s that can't bend as good can have a 10kg advantage due to being useless"

Don't get me wrong.. I can't arch.. not at all. but it's allowed in the rules..

Just like BOOZE, SMOKES and GAMBLING are not illegal yet ruins lives and destroys families.... I don't like it but it is within society rules.
FWIW, the IPF doesn't have a minimum distance rule for bench press that I can see? At least not in the 2013 rules. I know a 15cm rule was proposed several years ago but didn't pass the congress. Unless it is for 2014 and I missed it?