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So backstory is, my mum is the head organiser of the Maitland Relay for Life, which last year raised something like 200,000+ dollars for cancer research/treatment and stuff, im sure its more than that but yeah. They outperformed the Newcastle relay which issl no small feat because Maitland is way smaller than the whole of Newcastle. And shes been running it for 4+ years. I usually help out with organising and events but never participated due to 'fuck running' and when I was competing in bodybuilding the comps fell on the same days as the Relay.

Mind you my mum has been running this without any family cancer issues. This year my mothers mother, my grandma, was diagnosed with a rare skin cancer, so I thought I might participate.

But fuck running.

So im thinking ill take percentages of bodyweight and squat, bench and deadlift for 24hrs, and hit up sponsors for an amount per rep.

This years relay is on the 8th and 9th of september I think.

So im looking for ideas, help etc

What would be good targets to aim for, im thinking 0.75kg bench, BW squat, 1.25kg deadlift.

With that hitting 42 reps an hour will get me the 1000reps each not including fatigue etc.

So if im sponsored 10c a rep for one lift ill raise 100 dollars. More sponsors and higher costs per rep across multiple lifts will raise more etc.

Would companies like Rogue/Iron edge be willing to sponsor/lend racks and bars for the events. Obvioualsly their contribution will be made known etc.

Whilst the weights wont be considerably heavy, the general public will be shocked by these 'imhuman' weighta, haha.
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Also, what would be the best way to tackle this, prep wise and on the day. What pitfalls do I need to avoid?

I was thinking work up to an every day triple, than back off to my target weight for the event and smash out tonnes of reps?
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Great cause man. Good luck to your grandma mate, its a long hard battle for some.
42 reps an hour will see you fucked pretty quick I reckon.
Can you get a group together to keep the lifts going all day? Even if its just a 24hr deadlift relay. A group will allow each person to recover better.
Awesome initiative mate. Sorry to hear about your grandma.

I will definitely kick in some hard earned and donate.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
I should be at 110 for the event.

So 110kg squat
82.5kg bench
137.5kg bench

Basically 50% 1rm.

Hopefully I can dial back the intensity and up the frequency to tackle it.

Lots of sets of easy 5's.
I should be at 110 for the event.

So 110kg squat
82.5kg bench
137.5kg bench

Basically 50% 1rm.

Hopefully I can dial back the intensity and up the frequency to tackle it.

Lots of sets of easy 5's.


If you bench 137.5kg 1000 times that would be epic!!!
You will need to bathe in Tiger Balm and Stickys hot cream afterwards, your gonna be one sore bugger, but well worth the effort mate.
@Fadi; Programming ideas? Ways to tackle this?

1. 50% of 1RM is way too high. Try for 25% of your 1RM. So if my 1RM back squat is 200kg, I would be aiming to go up and down with no more than 50kg. Treat this as if you were doing burpees.

2. Your main concern is going to be the lactic acid build up your muscles would have to endure. I can think of three main elements to buffer that short of dabbling in sodium bicarbonate and throwing up in the process.

A) Buy yourself some clean alkaline water from Woollies
B) In a 1.5 L bottle, add the juice of 1 lemon.
C) Add 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt/rock salt.

Sip on the above very slowly throughout the duration of the event.

PS: Don't be fooled by the lightness of the load (25% of 1RM). You're in for the long-haul, so even though the beginning would be super easy, do not be tempted to exceed your reps per set that you have allocated for yourself. It takes guts to hold back, I know!

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Thanks [MENTION=2727]Fadi[/MENTION]; , ill take that into consoderation.

But 25% seems really light? Leaving me with 35kg bench, 45kg squat, 62.5kg dead.

It isnt a race to get to 1000 reps. Just as many as possible throughout the day, I may only do singles every once and a while at the later stages of the event. Naps will be had aswell.

Im thinking I may conserve my target to 500 reps. It will probably depend on how higher rep training with these loads goes tomorrow and how conditioned I become.
instead of weird numbers like 57.5kg and 110kg and 137.5kg you should just round it to 1, 2 and 3 plates.
60kg bench
100kg squat
140kg dead
are you going to set it up at run? How are you doing it? In a tent? In the middle of the oval?
Yeah those weights will kill me, and with only 3 weeks of actual training to condition a bit, wont happen.

I may have been a tad overzealous.

Considering dropping the squat and make it push/pull, 60/100 AMRAP over a shorter time frame, 5 hours maybe. 18 hours is stupid and my mower back would probably disolve in lactic acid, hahaha
[MENTION=11621]taurus[/MENTION]; yeah it will be somewhere on the oval at the relay.

Still gotta sus a decent sponsor to contribute something like $1 dollar a rep.

Ill give it till the end of the week before I commit to it, otherwise ill be cooking the BBQ all day.
maybe ask [MENTION=10497]Bulk Nutrients[/MENTION]; for a sponsorship, even a small one? I'd also email rebel sport, they usually help out and have helped me with junior rugby sides (hats, waterbottles, balls).
Do you need a lifting platform? The grass will cop it otherwise!

Yeah those weights will kill me, and with only 3 weeks of actual training to condition a bit, wont happen.

I may have been a tad overzealous.

Considering dropping the squat and make it push/pull, 60/100 AMRAP over a shorter time frame, 5 hours maybe. 18 hours is stupid and my mower back would probably disolve in lactic acid, hahaha

@taurus; yeah it will be somewhere on the oval at the relay.

Still gotta sus a decent sponsor to contribute something like $1 dollar a rep.

Ill give it till the end of the week before I commit to it, otherwise ill be cooking the BBQ all day.