extra crispy
so like Big Mick ive been doing some tests on a batch of protein this time from Power Supplements also known as Protein 'n' More. The tests were run on 3 batches of flavoured WPC purchased almost a year ago now and amounts were 1g of protein powder measured on digital scales
Please excuse the poor quality photos from my iphone but if anyone disputes the results im more than happy to redo them with better quality photos/video.
I have emailed the company in question but have not yet received a response. I also am not associated with any protein supplier or producer, im just another consumer who had a hunch his protein wasnt what it claimed to be.
Banana WPC:

Please excuse the poor quality photos from my iphone but if anyone disputes the results im more than happy to redo them with better quality photos/video.
I have emailed the company in question but have not yet received a response. I also am not associated with any protein supplier or producer, im just another consumer who had a hunch his protein wasnt what it claimed to be.
Banana WPC: