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Also nuttin special...
Db press 30° incline 25 x 9 x 3. Pb is a pb.
Im sure I could do way more than this...but always bb bench before hand and usually floor press too...but again a pb is a pb.

Today did 150kg rack pulls for 15 reps.

Also yesterday did a flat backed flat Bench DB press
3 sets x 5 reps @ 40kg DB's
46 billable hours by Tuesday night of a week is a PB.

No training though :-(

Another lawyer?

That's insane. My PB by Tuesday night is around 30 and I thought that was a lot. I did manage 70 billable hours for that week though. You should catch that comfortable at this rate.
This includes sunday right??? Farken shite either way!
What do you do?


And a fair bit of Saturday, so not really that hard-core; should be a good week though. Am a software developer, client has a big demo & suddenly doesn't care about costs. Making hay...

Back on topic, got a 195kg deadlift for a 15kg PB the other day at the PTC Perth novice comp
New here!
Ain't got a vid of my 1RM Bench Press yet, but I've done 110kg before (This lift never makes progress).
Squat I've not pushed myself until recently. With the leg strength I've developed from Deadlifts, I could probably reach 200kg reasonably soon.

180kg Squat


240kg Deadlift

New here!
Ain't got a vid of my 1RM Bench Press yet, but I've done 110kg before (This lift never makes progress).
Squat I've not pushed myself until recently. With the leg strength I've developed from Deadlifts, I could probably reach 200kg reasonably soon.

180kg Squat

240kg Deadlift

Nice job, mate congrats.
Cheers guys ;)
My raw deadlift has gone up 50kg in 10 months, definitely helps to be around other people who lift heavy and following a proper training program.
Shame we don't have PTC in Adelaide though.. Virtually all the big lifters from my gym have moved back to their backyard gyms lol