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Yet another routine thread

upper/lower - lyle mcdonalds generic bulking routine

legs/push/pull/off (i also use RPE scale)

I hate Lyle McDolan, I would never take advice from him. He looks like shit, is unhealthy as fuck, has never achieved anything or coached anyone and he never cites any of his shit. Fuck Lyle McDolan

Oni just do what you want
you're going to get 20 different opinions on what they think you should do

What do you do?
I'm thinking of DC training as well, it seems to be my favourite by far of the choices I listed. I like things that are psychologically very difficult and I like a wide choice of exercises as I get bored pretty fast in the gym which is why my strength training is basically me doing w/e the fuck I feel like every time I go into the gym lol.
If you're someone who needs a set routine, percentages etc to work with for the main lifts, do 5/3/1 bodybuilding template, or The Cube Method.

What do you do?
Fancy named proprietary routines come and go but the fundamental principles of weight training will always remain.

Progressive resistance -
Lift weights to stimulate muscle growth, once your body adapts, which is a good thing, incrementally increase the weight lifted by small amounts to stimulate further growth.

Reps -
This isn't a competition to demonstrate strength, it's about being efficient and feeling the muscle being worked, if you can't feel the targeted muscle then chances are you're using too much weight.
Generally, you're going to be lifting in the 8-12 rep range for upper body and higher for lower body.

Rest time -
I reckon this one is very important and largely overlooked and is one of the best ways to up the intensity of your workout.
Keep your rest between sets short, anything from 30sec to 90secs max.

How you incorporate this into your routine, number of sets and exercises you do for each muscle group etc. is up to you depending on how well your body can recover from intense workouts.

The sweet spot for me has been working each muscle group every 5 days
2 muscle groups per workout
3 different exercises for 9-12 sets per workout for back and legs and 2 different exercises for 6-9 sets for everything else.

And of course consistency which you obviously don't have a problem with.
I think your biggest hurdle Oni will be your mindset, the amount of weight you use is just a tool, a measure of progression but not the only one.
Keep it simple because it really is that simple
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Thanks Darkoz
I might pop down at some point so you can show me how to do reps
I can hoist weight but the whole working the muscle thing I do find difficult.

Also I think it's pretty cool how before people were telling me to stick to a set routine a year ago lol and now people are encouraging me to continue doing my own thing! Bazza and jchen were the true believes though lol
If you're thinking DC then consider DY's Blood and Guts HIT.
I got really good results from HIT but didnt really get into DC, although a training partner is pretty essential.
And also controlling the tempo and feeling the muscles work as apposed to just generating force.
Although its a bodypart split rather than whole body like DC.
I think that I'm going to go with John Meadow's Mountain Dog Training.
I use training as a kind of therapy, HIT does not wear me out enough. DC training does however I don't think training 3x a week is enough. Mountain dog training is a traditional bro split of arms/back/legs/chest/shoulders (not in that order) and it looks brutal. It's what Dave Tate currently does