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are you saying peanut butter cups are not optimal?none of them are intrinsically "bad"
sugar in whole foods like fruit and veg are ok as they come packaged together with a whole lot of other stuff and fibre so the absorption process is slower in the digestive tract and more regulated.
fructose is bad if you have an intolerance as it ferments in the gut due to malabsorption but that's a whole other topic.
too much sugar and in concentrated form is where it becomes a problem (for some/most???).
overexposure to most things usually leads to trouble.
the modern diet is probably too skewed towards refined carbs/sugars and so overexposure is more common than it once would have been.
are you saying peanut butter cups are not optimal?
Please see chocs scientific posts of peace.
not you, too...I agree with Bazza
I don't of anyone who has binges on coconut oil, olive oil, avocados or other "healthy" fats.
Gary Taubes is a retard haha.
Oh and fitting treats into your diet is a whole lot easier if you track cals/macros and actually have an idea if you will be in a deficit/surplus as opposed to just eating them willy nilly.
No one is saying to live off "junk" food. However, you can certainly fit them into your diet without A)getting fat & B)becoming "unhealthy"Not sure why everyone always wants to argue the extreme, no one said to never eat any carbs, just not refined nutrition less rubbish as it does nothing good for you.
And no matter how much people think carb timing does not matter try giving your 4 year old a large glass of red cordial as a bed time drink and then tell me it makes no difference![]()
I know when my kids had sugar without having seen them eat it. Having a huge carb feed for dinner and going to bed will not help anyone lose weight, where as the same amount of carbs for breakfast will be much better utilised for energy rather than fat production assuming you move around and do some physical activity during the day.
Are you saying that if someone was to eat carbs at night (from fruit, bread, pop tarts whatever) and they are in a calorie deficit over the entire day that they will put on fat?
I am not really sure why people insist on arguing the sky is blue
Refined carbs are bad for you, and our bodies are not designed to consume them. We get enough carbs from healthy sources such as fruit, berries, milk etc etc where they are combined with nutrients and fibre and protein as part of a whole food, not a refined stripped down carb source with zero nutritional value.
For those that missed the point have another look at the original post and attached picture, explains it quite clearly and simply.
Not sure why everyone always wants to argue the extreme, no one said to never eat any carbs, just not refined nutrition less rubbish as it does nothing good for you.
And no matter how much people think carb timing does not matter try giving your 4 year old a large glass of red cordial as a bed time drink and then tell me it makes no difference![]()
I know when my kids had sugar without having seen them eat it. Having a huge carb feed for dinner and going to bed will not help anyone lose weight, where as the same amount of carbs for breakfast will be much better utilised for energy rather than fat production assuming you move around and do some physical activity during the day.
No one is saying a calorie excess will not make people fat as it does, and it is much easier to consume excess calories when eating refined sugar, cakes, bread, pasta, biscuits, coke, soft drinks, etc than when eating steak, eggs, chicken, bananas berries, and vegetables etc you will also find the later will keep you full for longer, and stop you craving sugar and snacks.
Or are you saying you can just eat sugar, and tim tams and crap and still be performing at your best and living a long and healthy life??
Or are you saying you can just eat sugar, and tim tams and crap and still be performing at your best and living a long and healthy life??
ChocChillii's a smart girlI think everyone is arguing mostly the same point...moderation is the key if you are going to indulge in treats of any kind (particularly refined carbs, saturated fats etc).
Eating mostly whole foods with some treats is a perfectly OK way to eat and won't make you fat. Overeating anything, good bad or indifferent, will make you fat. The composition of your diet will have some effect on health markers though (blood sugar/insulin response, lipids, etc), as does genetics and lifestyle factors.
Our own individual make up of these things will make us respond in our own way to diet changes, lifestyle changes etc. To some extent you can manipulate this too but not entirely.
So it's not a black and white issue. To treat it as such is simplistic.
But I have to agree with Chris - your metabolism has a 24/7 job. It doesn't take a break when you sleep and you don't need to burn off ingested calories of any description within an hour of ingesting them.
Carbs at night are fine, fats at night are fine. Eat when hungry and time your foods according to your own patterns.
Some people can't eat carbs at night because it keeps them awake, for others it helps them sleep. we tolerate foods in different ways.
Get to know your own body.
And don't follow the twinkie diet ...![]()
Mick the original post totally wrong. Carbs don't make you fat, excess calories do. I am losing weight on 400g of carbs a day at the moment, if it was right how is that possible. And yes fat can make you fat be proven beyond doubt.