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RyanF 2012 Body Transformation

Looking beefy Mr lol

I like the first pic where you're sticking your belly out mwahaha

So, like a 4kg gain? 71.3kg at the start?

Emoing, I'm assuming is cutting? lol Why cut now? You're done bulking for the moment?

Last pic is the money shot lol Please post in the Hot or Not thread :p
I wasn't sticking my belly out. Y U go teasing my blubber? :(

My weight's gone up and down. 71.3kg at the start, got down to 70kg for NYE, very slowly bulked back up to about 72-73kg (can't remember how much, exactly) over about 6 weeks, got dumped, dropped back down to about 65kg, then sat comfortably at about 67kg for a couple months, then started slowly bulking again, from 67ish kg to 74.9kg this morning. So that's more like 6-7kg over the last 5ish months.

You're correct, emoing is cutting, and I'm going to start cutting around abouts now so that I actually look like I did something this year by the time this body transformation contest closes.
lol oh Ry, your weight has been a roller coaster! Good job coming back from 65kg! :eek:

Yes, get ripped & Hawt etc etc (keep the moustache) :p
Unreliable results from today's assessment.

BP 143/69 (Believable, because I've often had moderately high systolic and moderately low diastolic BP. I should probably be eating less salt. Less trips to KFC/Hungry Jack's is probably a good idea.)
BF% 20.4% (In reality, being BIA, that's a +4%, so about 16-25%.
BF 15.2kg
LBM% 79.6%
LBM 59.2kg
BMR 1783
No new pics, but I think I saw the faint outline of some abs this morning. I might actually have something to show for this in a couple weeks time, after all.
I'm in!

Age: 23
Height: 172cm
Starting Weight: 71.7kg

Body Transformation Goal:
A lean 75-80kg. Getting up to that weight will be easy. I've already gotten up to 77kg before. It's just being that weight at a low bodyfat (I'm thinking about 8-12% for some good definition without looking gaunt) that'll be tricky.

General Training Goals:
Not sure, really. My goal this year was to press 1 plate, bench 2, squat 3 and deadlift 4. Probably would've made it there if I didn't start cutting around September. I'd still like to achieve those numbers, but I'm getting more interested in Olympic weightlifting now, so those numbers will probably take a back seat towards getting competent at the snatch and clean+jerk.

Pics, taken tonight (21/12/11):





Final weigh-in and photos:

Age: 24
Height: 172cm
Final Weight: 66.65kg as of this morning

Body Transformation Reflections:
I was hoping to be about the same bodyfdat percentage I'd guestimate myself to be right now (I'd guestimate myself to be at about 12-15% looking at myself), if not lower (I was aiming for 8-12%), and 10kg heavier. Obviously, I didn't get the size results I was after. Part of this can be attributed to my response to getting dumped in February (not quite the reaction I was looking for when I proposed), which set me back several months. Spending a good portion of the year trying to get competent at oly lifting instead of focusing on getting bigger and stronger probably wasn't favourable to my results, either. On the bright side, I haven't been this lean since 2009 or earlier, and I'm certainly heavier than I was back then, so some good has come of this. Plus, I've learned some stuff along the way, so hopefully I'll be able to do better in 2013.

Training Reflections:
I did manage to get 60kg on the bar for a full clean, and then 5min later I ramped it up to 65kg. That felt pretty awesome to me. I also managed to squat 140kg on 09/11/12, although I haven't hit any of the other numbers.

Final Progress Pictures:





You pulled a strong finish Ry! Nicely done! Your emo'ing went well given the up & down year you had weight wise. Well done!

What is this new haircut? A faux-hawk? lol Looks good :)
Thanks, James. It's the hair style of douchebags, which I guess explains why I felt like getting it. I get kinda douchey from time to time (that's douch-EE, not douch-AY).
Thanks, James. It's the hair style of douchebags, which I guess explains why I felt like getting it. I get kinda douchey from time to time (that's douch-EE, not douch-AY).

lol you done good Pops :p

The curls are shorter, but they're still there! lol

You have some good muscle showing after that cut.

Jonah is impressed :)
Like Pete, I decided to put my pics side-by side for easier comparison. Was thinking of it earlier. Then forgot. Then saw his update in his thread.


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It's amazing what a difference a haircut and mo can make lol, you look like a completely different person!

Looks like you've leaned up quite a bit mate.
Thanks Pete. I think I only made about half the progress I could have (if my mental health was there in the first half of the year), but I'm pleased to see that there are some differences other than my hair-do.