Thats what happens when you move out bush! Mwahaha
Great to see you're feeling better & back to it Mick
P.S. you WILL smash it, I have faith! lol
Yeah internet is a bit of an issue out here, it's great when it works, but if the wind blows the wrong way it's stuffed...small price to pay.
Re smashing it......kill me now, I have spend the last three days in bed literally unable to walk

Not even sure why, I sneezed while driving and my whole back seized up solid

Only just starting to get around again now, no weights, no cardio not even sex
I am seriously starting to think I am too old to live (or at least to train), wonder if they will legalise euthanasia any time soon, I think I am nearly ready......joking

.......but I think it will be a while before I smash any more weights, I think I will really sort my diet over the next week and do some long walks and some light stretching.
Have not even been able to get to the hot spas till this arvo, spend about half an hour in the hot spa, unfortunately it's only 35 degrees today, wish it was closer to 40 like it usually is, feel a bit better now, but then again I am on my 3rd beer