I didn't take measurements unfortunately, but I've lost some weight, I know that much.
I took some quick ones, quality is shit house, I'll take proper one's tomorrow in the daytime. But definitely more definition in the calf region, am happy with that!
The DOMS lasted for about a week, give or take a few days (GIVE a few more days!) lol But then went away...strangely, they came back in the final 6 days again. Not so much the raging DOMS of the first week...but sore, like my calf muscles were screaming....lol
For a month though, some decent definition attained. Mission accomplished. I am going to see if I can keep this calf business up
These were my calves as tensed as I could get them at the start of July, shit house effort really, but I couldn't actually 'feel' them lol
These taken tonight, not overly tensed, just up on my tippy toes again, like in the 'before' shot. Can definitely feel the muscles there now though and a decent amount of definition for 31 days.
Not a bad effort. Sorry for the shitty pic quality, will update properly tomorrow. Was just too curious to see what they looked like on my final day