you know, I'm smooth all over, because it's the way
I like it.
But I do wonder if we've been conditioned to think women
should be smooth all over, by pornography and society?
Our ancestors let the hair grow damnit, it's the way biology intended it to be. And yet, we all find the picture of that woman pretty gross.
I find it fascinating.
Hairy armpits, hairy legs, hairy snatch.......nah, never going to happen. Evolution afforded us the wonderful invention of razors and depillatory creams. God bless the future! lol
And yes boys, manscaping is ALSO paramount! urgh!
But to me, a bloke looks odd with smooth legs and no armpit hair...
Although I'm a bit of a sucker for chest hair...drag me back to thy cave young man! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr