Yes I have shot a gun, several times. My step-father owned rifles and had acerage when he met my mother and I was only 11. He taught me how to shoot. And I shot at targets mostly, sometimes cans all lined up in a row and I was pretty good too.
But yes,
people kill
people. And 'people' shouldn't be given free access to weapons that will aide them in their stupidity or intent.
If you're a hunter, or have a gun license - then you have a purpose for one. There is no purpose for guns in mainstream society or the homes of civillians. What for? Ask yourself what does a normal citizen need a gun for? Really?
I can't think of one reason. If you want to protect your property, have a baseball bat under your bed like my grandpa used to. I still sleep with a 4 x 4 under my bed, just in case. lol
Some people would be mindful with fire arms, some people would not. So why take the risk? Regulate them and ensure the people who have a need for them, have them?
It's just my opinion.
People who use firearms, should be educated and trained to do so. People who just want to 'own' one - should not be afforded that right.
I was just reading a news article last week, about a 86yo Florida grandmother, who had raised her grandson from the age of 3. She came home from the local club, found her now 21yo university student grandson, smoking pot in his bedroom - went ballistic and an argument ensued. Eventually she cracked out her gun, her grandson was on the phone with 911 begging them to help him, when his grandmother put 17 shots through him.
Her excuse?
"In that moment, I was just so angry at him"
She killed him.
For smoking pot.
All it takes is one rage filled moment where you 'snap' and you could kill another human being. Why make it easy for anyone to do that? I can guarantee you that 21yo young man wouldn't have died via granny slapping him 17 times over the head.
do kill people. People snap, people can be aggressive and cruel and vengeful and at times, quite mad. Why give people a weapon that can make it easy for them to kill?
Like I said, it's merely my opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.