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Current supplements being used?

WPC, Creatine, Dextrose, coffee.

In the cupboard; Burner combination, L-Glutamine, Fish oil, L-carnitine, Pre Workout, Multi's, Zinc, Test booster, Vit C.

Should probably start taking the fish oil again. The rest is almost a waste of money.
I feel like a chemist compared to all of you! :(

Multi (changes all the time, normally whats cheap, tried animal pak once, damned horse tablets nearly killed me!)
Fish Oil (been using these since long before weight training, my fathers cancer specialist put me onto them 20 years ago)
Glucosamine (was actually put onto it via martial arts side of things)

I know some people use pre workouts but I find the idea a bit scary and if I ever did decide to go down that path would probably buy the ingredients and mix my own as too many of these have ingredients or caffeine levels I would try to avoid. But for now I still don't use them.
My supplement stack is as follows:

Res100 (testosterone support/general health/wellness)
Tococaps (testosterone support/general health/wellness)
TCF1 (testosterone support)
ZMA pro (testosterone support)
Orange triad (multi v/general health/wellness)
nordic naturals fish oil (testosterone support/general health/wellness)

Moro extra virgin olive oil (uncooked) put it in your shakes or on food.
This is taken 20-50mls daily in my protein shakes or put on food.

Pre-workout stack:
Purple K (creatine)
Jack3d (creatine/stimulant)

Bed time stack:
ZMA Pro (helps me sleep deeper)
Source naturals calm thoughts (calms/de-stressed me/helps me sleep deeper)
Shut eye (helps me sleep deeper)

Protein shake used is international protein synergy 5

Took a photo tonight, trained yesterday so no huge pump photos, but i am coming along
Have been back training now 100% natural for about 3 months before that had over 1 year off training.


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Vitamin D (3000 units ... I don't seem to produce it, always in catch up)
Fish Oil and Flax oil (sometimes)
HWPI (sometimes)

I use other proteins ... WPI, Casein, pea/rice/egg but mostly to cook with or to add to food to up the protein content in my diet when I need to. But don't think of them as supplements. Just food.

Does anyone use Udo's Oil???

Plus @O.N. ... if you want a good quality EVOO, get rid of the Moro. It's not a great brand of olive oil.
Vitamin D (3000 units ... I don't seem to produce it, always in catch up)
Fish Oil and Flax oil (sometimes)
HWPI (sometimes)

I use other proteins ... WPI, Casein, pea/rice/egg but mostly to cook with or to add to food to up the protein content in my diet when I need to. But don't think of them as supplements. Just food.

Does anyone use Udo's Oil???

Plus @O.N. ... if you want a good quality EVOO, get rid of the Moro. It's not a great brand of olive oil.

yeah im onto bertoli at the moment but i dont buy into the choice review website stuff where it says homebrand coles and woolworths olive oils are the best, i'd rather stick with something that comes from spain or italy just like the tomatoes that the little old lady down the road grows taste better than the ones in woolworths.
yeah im onto bertoli at the moment but i dont buy into the choice review website stuff where it says homebrand coles and woolworths olive oils are the best, i'd rather stick with something that comes from spain or italy just like the tomatoes that the little old lady down the road grows taste better than the ones in woolworths.

That made no sense at all. You want oil that has been shipped from overseas because it's supposedly better than local but tomatoes from down the road are better than the supermarket ones.
My supplement stack is as follows:

Res100 (testosterone support/general health/wellness)
Tococaps (testosterone support/general health/wellness)
TCF1 (testosterone support)
ZMA pro (testosterone support)
Orange triad (multi v/general health/wellness)
nordic naturals fish oil (testosterone support/general health/wellness)

Moro extra virgin olive oil (uncooked) put it in your shakes or on food.
This is taken 20-50mls daily in my protein shakes or put on food.

Pre-workout stack:
Purple K (creatine)
Jack3d (creatine/stimulant)

Bed time stack:
ZMA Pro (helps me sleep deeper)
Source naturals calm thoughts (calms/de-stressed me/helps me sleep deeper)
Shut eye (helps me sleep deeper)

Protein shake used is international protein synergy 5

Took a photo tonight, trained yesterday so no huge pump photos, but i am coming along
Have been back training now 100% natural for about 3 months before that had over 1 year off training.

Fuck me. I think you need to add in a TV watching stack, a arse scratching stack, takin a piss stack. Missin out on some huge gains.
That made no sense at all. You want oil that has been shipped from overseas because it's supposedly better than local but tomatoes from down the road are better than the supermarket ones.

It makes perfect sense to anyone who reads it correctly.
I'd rather use an oil that is imported from a country where the oil is still a family business and passion is put into the product and i'd rather eat the freshly grown tomatoes from someone who grows it themselves than something from woolworths which has been sprayed with chemicals. And the fact that many woolworths and coles raw ingredients/products are now imported straight from china due to rising manufacturing costs here in Australia.

Fuck me. I think you need to add in a TV watching stack, a arse scratching stack, takin a piss stack. Missin out on some huge gains.

Clearly there is always a resident internet troll on every forum.

LOL at Bazza.

reps to you bro!

As for the supplement stack:
My supplement stack is as follows:

Res100 (testosterone support/general health/wellness)
Tococaps (testosterone support/general health/wellness)
TCF1 (testosterone support)
ZMA pro (testosterone support)
Orange triad (multi v/general health/wellness)
nordic naturals fish oil (testosterone support/general health/wellness)

Moro extra virgin olive oil (uncooked) put it in your shakes or on food.
This is taken 20-50mls daily in my protein shakes or put on food.

Pre-workout stack:
Purple K (creatine)
Jack3d (creatine/stimulant)

Bed time stack:
ZMA Pro (helps me sleep deeper)
Source naturals calm thoughts (calms/de-stressed me/helps me sleep deeper)
Shut eye (helps me sleep deeper)

Protein shake used is international protein synergy 5

Took a photo tonight, trained yesterday so no huge pump photos, but i am coming along
Have been back training now 100% natural for about 3 months before that had over 1 year off training.

I have been tweaking this for about 6-12 months now.
Res100 decreases estrogen and also effects the negative feedback loop so that a higher level of testosterone can be created, on a daily basis the brain sends a signal out to determine if more or less testosterone creation is required by effecting both estrogen and this feedback loop by crossing the blood brain barrier and effecting GABAergic modulation and telling the brain you still require testosterone you are able to increase the testosterone level higher than what would normally be possible. Hence why it works so well and any blood test that any of our customers have done have shown great results and all reviews have been very positive. which can be found on www.res100.com

tococaps increase the potency of LH increase the absorption of LH into the leydig cells, reduce LDL and increase HDL also helps with hair re-growth. They have also been proven to increase the uptake of HCG, into the leydig cells.

TCF1 (d-aspartic acid) is the transport amino acid that transports good cholesterol into the leydig cells for testosterone creation. The more of this naturally occurring amino acid you have in your system the more cholesterol can be transported into the leydig cells for testosterone creation.

ZMA pro replaces the lost minerals zinc and magnesium most males lose on a daily basis through sweating check how much you need daily on http://nutritiondata.self.com/tools/calories-burned ZMA Pro is the only one i have found to meet the daily needs of a regular male. Most males need about 400mg of magnesium and 11mg of zinc.

orange triad is my multi vitamin i currently use for general health

nordic naturals is the fish i oil use do i need ot explain how fish oil works?

EVOO is used to increase the amount of good cholesterol in the system so that more is available for testosterone creation and also to clear out and lower LDL.
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^^ Mind blown.........

P.S you must get a good wage!

well i own the supplement store and the brand wicked supplements so that helps but that stack there doesn't cost all that much and most people easily spend that amount on a weekend out or on a couple of weeks worth of steroids.

Here is the test booster stack here:
The Ultimate Stack