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Cheating your not happy you owe it to yourself and the other person to leave and find something you want and they deserve.
I think we can all agree that sexual intercourse, definitely consitutes cheating?

But Shrek is right. When I speak about this with my friends and family. Some feel kissing is cheating, some feel that a drunken kiss is ok?
Some think outrageous flirting is a form of cheating - others feel it's harmless fun?
Some think constant perving is seriously disrespectful - others feel it's healthy and acceptable.
Some would find an email or online friendship/flirtation a form of cheating, others would think it's just stupid fun?

It's because WE are all different, that we have different perspectives on these things.

I have a whole host of friends, of mixed gender who would consider a drunken one night stand with a random person - a mere slip up. Who define cheating as some kind of emotional investment, therefore the physical act itself, shouldn't matter - if that's all it was?

My very best friend and we've been friends for 25 years now - had sex with an ex-boyfriend the night before she got married. I remember watching her take her vows on her wedding day and feeling SO angry with her.

Her explanation was to laugh and say "Jo, it's only sex. No big deal. It wasn't like I loved him or anything"

So I had to learn, to not judge, to not feel mad and to not impose my beliefs on others. Everybody has a different perspective.

My best friend has been married for over 15 years now. They are very happy, with two beautiful children. Although her hubby, who is a sensational human being complains constantly about not getting enough sex. lolol Which I find ironic, all these years later....

It's beyond interesting.

Shades of grey indeed.

Does the husband now she did this? If not then she should tell him coz hey "its just sex" stupid girl...

We fought endlessly for about 6 months after she got married. He was a good man, in fact, one of the greatest men I have ever known. I insisted she tell him, or I threatened that I would.

The night she went to, she asked me to be there for support - just as she was about to say it, I stopped her and ushered her out of the room.

He was and is so in love with her. Madly, deeply, passionately in love with her. And I realised in that moment, that her confession would have hurt him so deeply, more deeply than was neccessary. And once the words are uttered, there is no taking them back. Not ever. He's too good a man, to feel that kind of unneccessary hell.

Especially when I knew how much she loved him and how she genuinely believed it was 'just sex' and nothing more.

So 15 years later....they're still together and still happy and have 2 beautiful children...and I think maybe keeping quiet and saving him the pain of knowing, was the most generous thing that could have ever been done for him.

She's been a faithful, devoted, loving wife and he's been a brilliant husband and father.

I often find myself in their home, snuggled at both of their feet, laughing or discussing the issues of the world.

They are both the loves of my life.
And eachothers.
And they created my godchildren :)

I don't believe it was meant to be, any other way.

We fought endlessly for about 6 months after she got married. He was a good man, in fact, one of the greatest men I have ever known. I insisted she tell him, or I threatened that I would.

The night she went to, she asked me to be there for support - just as she was about to say it, I stopped her and ushered her out of the room.

He was and is so in love with her. Madly, deeply, passionately in love with her. And I realised in that moment, that her confession would have hurt him so deeply, more deeply than was neccessary. And once the words are uttered, there is no taking them back. Not ever. He's too good a man, to feel that kind of unneccessary hell.

Especially when I knew how much she loved him and how she genuinely believed it was 'just sex' and nothing more.

So 15 years later....they're still together and still happy and have 2 beautiful children...and I think maybe keeping quiet and saving him the pain of knowing, was the most generous thing that could have ever been done for him.

She's been a faithful, devoted, loving wife and he's been a brilliant husband and father.

I often find myself in their home, snuggled at both of their feet, laughing or discussing the issues of the world.

They are both the loves of my life.
And eachothers.
And they created my godchildren :)

I don't believe it was meant to be, any other way.

She married Chuck Norris?

But really I find that very sad.....and I honestly hope he never finds out NOW coz it would prob kill him...
That is absolutely brutal. If my wife did that to me, fuck... I don't know what I would do.

How do ppl justify these kinds of actions??? It really makes me sick
But really I find that very sad.....and I honestly hope he never finds out NOW coz it would prob kill him...

Couldn't agree more. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

And I'd rather be ignorant of the fact that the person I marry would do something like that. Would completely change how I view the person.
Yeah if you are going to cheat and it was only once.. Don't tell the person just so you dont feel guilty anymore, fuck you, it was your choice to do it so live with it. No point fucking up your partner just so you dont feel so bad.
Yeah if you are going to cheat and it was only once.. Don't tell the person just so you dont feel guilty anymore, fuck you, it was your choice to do it so live with it. No point fucking up your partner just so you dont feel so bad.

I'd personally rather the confess and know.

As Flea said >> "how would you feel if it was you?"

Devante Says >> "After answering the above question honestly live your life"!!
He is seriously, the greatest man I have ever known.

I gave birth to Sophie, in Canada in the middle of the worst snow storm the country had had, in 32 years. He flew on a red eye flight, from his business commitments in London to JFK in New York, hired a landcruiser and drove for two hours in the worst conditions, just so I had someone with me. And he was the first person, to hold my daughter - she was 12 minutes old :)

He is an amazingly generous, compassionate and hilarious human being.

Saving him from that heartache, was right.

He often says he is the luckiest man on earth, because he has two wives lol My friend and I.

And when he isn't getting sex enough, he calls me, I go over, I talk with my girlfriend and he admits that their sex life is on fire again, for another few months.


I love them both. Tremendously.
Was it a shit thing for her to do? Yes. Absolutely. She was young and stupid and made a mistake.

But they have 15 years under their belts of a very happy life together.

I am in no position to judge and it's not something we ever speak about anymore.

They're happy. He's fantastic and she, is most definitely, the luckiest woman on earth.
No, cheating is never okay.

No mortal relationship will give you 100% of what you need 100% of the time. If you're very, very lucky, you might end up with someone who gives you 80% of what you need. The people who stay loyal to their spouses understand that nothing is completely perfect, but they honour the person they're with and honour the commitments they have made to that person. The people who cheat, however, treat themselves as entitled to the other 20%. They won't give up 80% for 20%, but they also won't give up 100% for 80% if they can get the other 20% elsewhere.

I don't buy the whole "I cheat on my husband/wife and have lots of/longterm extra-marrital affairs, but I love my husband/wife," claim. The very fact that you are disrespecting and dishonouring your husband/wife with something that is harmful to the relationship, potentially harmful to their health, dishonest, self-centred, and would destroy them emotionally if they knew, says that you are doing everything but loving him/her while cheating.

The end.
No, cheating is never okay.

No mortal relationship will give you 100% of what you need 100% of the time. If you're very, very lucky, you might end up with someone who gives you 80% of what you need. The people who stay loyal to their spouses understand that nothing is completely perfect, but they honour the person they're with and honour the commitments they have made to that person. The people who cheat, however, treat themselves as entitled to the other 20%. They won't give up 80% for 20%, but they also won't give up 100% for 80% if they can get the other 20% elsewhere.

I don't buy the whole "I cheat on my husband/wife and have lots of/longterm extra-marrital affairs, but I love my husband/wife," claim. The very fact that you are disrespecting and dishonouring your husband/wife with something that is harmful to the relationship, potentially harmful to their health, dishonest, self-centred, and would destroy them emotionally if they knew, says that you are doing everything but loving him/her while cheating.

The end.

good post
Are you saying you've developed feelings for me Ozzie?

If you are....




I feel the same bout you

What are we gonna do about this?

Oh life.....what a mess.
My fiancée was married when we started ou relationship. The then marriage was in a terrible shape.

I follow a theme of moral relativity. Like abortion, euthanasia and watching reruns of 'I love Lucy', its a matter of the situation. Every situation is unique.
My fiancée was married when we started ou relationship. The then marriage was in a terrible shape.

I follow a theme of moral relativity. Like abortion, euthanasia and watching reruns of 'I love Lucy', its a matter of the situation. Every situation is unique.

'Moral relativity' I like that.
You can have a deep, meaningful relationship with someone other than your partner that could be a lot more harmful than sleeping with someone else.

And DKD, so long as my wife doesn't find out (oh shit, that's what this tread was about )
I agree!

As Pete, our philosophical thinker illustrated previously in another thread...

There's more than one way to ride a donkey, get strong, lose weight, have sex, fall in love....& have an affair or cheat.

Absolutely true.