I was reading somewhere - (I will need to find it) that green tea can decrease test levels??? :S
studies done on rodents with extremely high levels of green tea extract found this to be the case. BUT you'd have to drink swimming pools of the stuff to come anywhere close to the levels of green tea extract in the trials.
The other thing is: you are not a rodent.
unless of course you are. which I doubt.
so, if you drink a few cups of green tea, even brewed strong, per day ... you'll be getting benefits but seriously you are not going to get that sort of side effect..
First I'd ever heard of that. Good summary CCM
as a scientist, I love ripping apart studies. unless they say chocolate is good for you, like the recent one stating chocolate keeps you slim.
I'm taking that on face value. I'm skinny and I eat choc every day. That's enough proof for me LOL
What are the best foods to increase test levels???
hmmm I'm tempted to say chocolate and for all I know, I might be right!
I'll find out. I'm good with the random factoids...
brb buying 10kg of choc
as a scientist, I love ripping apart studies. unless they say chocolate is good for you, like the recent one stating chocolate keeps you slim.
I'm taking that on face value. I'm skinny and I eat choc every day. That's enough proof for me LOL