If you're out there, fancy helping a brother out with his micros and supps? I'm particularly concerned with fish oil at the moment. I'm sure you've got a lot of good science behind this supp and I remember you saying my 4g a day is probably too light on. I think you said you have about 10g a day.
Depending on your Fish intake and residual EPA and DHA intake (nuts, eggs, meat) IMO 8-10 Fish oils per day and the fats from them need to be taken into account for your daily fat and overall calorie intake
I'm not good at supps, and tend to just try and manage macros as outlined in the opening post. Could you propose supps to work in with this for a 40YO bloke.
On my radar for consideration are things like:
BCAAs In the context of daily protein intake, if you sufficient there is no need or benefit from BCAA supplementation. If training fasted, for minor muscular adaptations etc EAA>BCAA. But again that is minor, if your daily protein intake is adequate there is no real need.
L-Glutamine Useless
Fish oil tabs acquire
Creatine acquire
Vit-C I'm on the fence on this one. Depends on your diet and if you are deficient or not. If deficient, acquire. IMO no need for mega dosing
Tribulus Usless
Multivit acquire for piece of mind
Beta Alanine for pre-workout
You get the idea. Last time I did a bulk I took daily:
1 x multivitamin tick
4 x 500mg Vit-C Tempted to say 1, 2 tops
4 x 1000mg Fish Oil 8-10
half a teaspoon Creatine 5 grams
plus the WPC in two shakes a day back then, one on my current meal plan.
Any help much appreciated.
Cheers mate,