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What do you think of my Pre-workout?


New member
Hey peeps. Just thought I'd post up my pre-workout matrix. I buy all the ingredients in bulk form and mix them myself. I like it this way cause I can play around and change ratio's and amounts and see what works best for me. This is what I'm taking at the moment.

• Citrulline Malate 2.5g BN- .19
• Beta-Alanine 2.5g BN- .17
• Arginine alphaketogluterate (AAKG) 2.5g BN- .17
• Kre-Alkalyn 2g BB- .24
• L-glutamine 5g BN-.30

The 3rd column is where I buy it from and how much it costs per serving.
BN- Bulk Nutrients. BB- Bodybuilding.com. It works out about a doller per serve. Compare this to $2.50 a serve for mesomorph, that and I know exactly whats in there, and its bloody potent stuff!

Arginine- Nitric oxide production.
Citrulline- pre-cursor to arginine. (when Arginine gets depleted)
Beta-Alanine- say no to H+, say yes to carnosine :-)
Kre-Alkalyn- doesn't convert into creatinine
L-glutamine- affects nitrogen levels.

I'm keen to know what you guy's think. I know its like BN pre-workout, but I like using Kre-Alkalyn over tri-creatine malate. That and sometimes I take more citrulline (3.5g) If its going to be a longer workout.

I would use Creatine Mono instead of KA.

I believe the hype around KA is a falicy.

No stim??
I would use Creatine Mono instead of KA.

I believe the hype around KA is a falicy.

No stim??

I don't do well on caffeine (overdosed once and haven't used it since), and If I'm going to compete in natural shows in the future I don't wanna be using DHAA because I have no Idea of its half-life.

Why don't you believe the KA hype? Whats your thoughts on creatinine? This is really the only reason I'm using KA, because I have heard that creatinine is bad for you. I certainly hope it isn't just hype, because it costs more and I have to get it from the states.
I don't do well on caffeine (overdosed once and haven't used it since), and If I'm going to compete in natural shows in the future I don't wanna be using DHAA because I have no Idea of its half-life.

Why don't you believe the KA hype? Whats your thoughts on creatinine? This is really the only reason I'm using KA, because I have heard that creatinine is bad for you. I certainly hope it isn't just hype, because it costs more and I have to get it from the states.

Get creatine mono. All others are a waste of money.
Cup of strong green tea with 3g of l-tyrosine.

Green tea contains theanine which increases serum levels of dopamine and adrenaline. tyrosine does the same and they work very well with one another. Dopamine and adrenaline will both massively increase your strength and the workload you can perform during the training session. You won't get the jitters or any other adrenaline related sides either.

All the other things you have listed are decent supplements, but I see no reason in supplementing arginine or glutamine. The creatine thing already got mentioned. The supplements don't need to be taken pre workout though. It doesn't matter when you take them
Oni you don't think L-glutamine is good to supplement with? And arginine is not necessary? And the timing is not important? please explain?
Only worth while 'pre-workout' nutrients are - Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine. Caffeine and/or L-Tyrosine for mental stimulation. EAA or BCAA will do if training in a fasted state. :)
I took Citrulline malate tonight for the first time as a standalone just to see if it works. Took 3g. Pumped my chest like no other and I felt like I could keep going for hours after I was done training. Even my shoulders were pumped. Therefore I believe in arginine. Read this from the above linked essays:

About the Author

David J. Barr is a Doctoral student ... ...He can be contacted at DBMuscle@Hotmail.com.

I'm glad he has a hotmail address, and is a student- I was starting to think this was for real!

I appreciate you looking out for me Max and oni, but I'm not sceptical about arginine. I believe that it works. And if it is a placebo affect, then thats fine because I still get pumped like a mofo.

Can I add that I just read the 2nd article, and was not surprised that they were trying to sell a product. PLUS this product has 3g of L-glutamine in it! (which doesn't work) AND Biotest (who makes the product) has a product called surge with both citrulline and arginine in it.

Oh, and TNATION sells it.
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