part time and i go to school and what are the ingredients?Do you work?
Oh and its missing two key ingredients.
i used to be a bit overweight and i lost the fat from being very discipline with my diet. All the food i eat is different to my family so i can pretty much choose everything i eat.Discipline and Consistency.
A diet set out with all the macro nutrients and percentages can look very pretty on a piece of paper but it means jack all if you don't follow it.
The effectiveness of your diet can be measured by the results you achieve in the mirror. If you see improvements stick to it, if not add more food and rest more.
im 171cm tall and weigh 62.5kg, trying to gain muscle but trying not to gain any fat but i dont mind if i gain a little fatFirst glance it looks like a lot of meals?
What's your height and weight?
Are you bulking or cutting?
First glance it looks like a lot of meals?
yeah i will be having 30g Dextrose instead soon62.5kg o.0 Whoah... Being a little shorter than most guys; you'd probs look pretty huge when done bulking :L
My protein shakes have 500-600mL. Can't hurt to have more milk, right?
6:00 Post-Workout - 30g O.N Whey, 30g Sugar, 5g Creatine 24P, 34C, 1F <------ 30g sugar?! :S
Sugar --> releases insulin --> puts body in fat storing stage.
11 meals... damn....... I tend to stick to 6 or 7 but make them bigger meals when bulking. Not sure what the outlook is on having 11 though.
There's my 2 cents.
The Milk and Peanut Butter wont fill me up much for the amount of calories in them so i have veggies to fill me up a bit more.why have veggies with milk and PB? I would eat them with the chicken and rice earlier!
nah i would much rather have a lot of small mealsid be eating a bigger dinner, 100grams of meat is nothing. aim for 250+.
sounds like enough calories for your height though
8:00 - 70g Oats, 30g O.N Whey - 32P, 42C, 9F
10:15 - 300ml No Fat Milk, Multigrain Sandwich with Vegemite - 19P, 40C, 2F
12:00 - 1/2 Can of Chicken, 50g Brown Rice - 31P, 36C, 2F
1:55 - 1/2 Can of Chicken, 50g Brown Rice - 31P, 36C, 2F
3:50 - 80g Oats - 10P, 45C, 6F
4:20 Pre-Workout - 30g O.N Whey, 5g Creatine 24P, 3C, 1F
6:00 Post-Workout - 30g O.N Whey, 30g Sugar, 5g Creatine 24P, 34C, 1F
6:20 - 100g Oats - 12P, 56C, 9F
8:20 - 100g Chicken, 50g Brown Rice, 26P, 36C, 2F
10:20 - 300ml No Fat Milk, 200g veggies, 20g Peanut Butter - 17P, 21C, 11F
12:00 - 20g O.N Casein, 250ml No Fat Milk - 25P, 14C, 1F
Approx 2870CAL: P35%, C50%, F15%
If their is anyway you think i can fix it up please say so!
yeah, sorry dizzle lost my cool a bit. lolN-J-T,
Dizzle is just trying to help.
Chillax man.