Do you have any studies that demonstrate that infections are prevented thru effective handwashing? I wonder which will be harder to find?
It's common sense really...
If both different parents have 2 identical kids...
Dirty kid: One kid plays in the dirt and has poor hygiene (doesn't wash hands, touches random things and puts his hand in mouth etc).
Clean kid: Kept in a house that is more sterilized than a fucking hospital getting prepared for a pandemic...
The dirty kid will have a stronger immune system as it has built a resistance to harmful bacteria, and the clean kids immune system wouldn't even know what bacteria is lol...
It's the same way people build up a resistance to antibiotics...
You wouldn't be able to find a reliable study as there would be way to many variables... Just follow the link I provided and read the studies of how all these antibacterial soaps are slowly becoming resistant, so in response stronger sterilizers would need to be used and so on... It's the same with everything for example; if you spray a cockroach with mortein and it survives and runs away, next time you will need to spray 10x more to kill it as it has become resistant to the chemicals. Same thing with spraying fruit and vegetables to avoid pests, they will become resistant and the poisons will no longer effect them therefore need to increase the potency...
You don't need studies to prove what I have said, its common Microbiology of how resistance develops...
Whether you wash your hands, sterilize your house, spray antibacterial products in your household is a choice up to you...
I am probably going to get attacked for this post by some random person as no one is allowed to have an opinion on this forum lately... and I seriously CBF putting up an argument against all you hygienic freaks out there...
That is all.