Johny Nichols
New member
Yeh you too big fella.. Both got pbs for the day and for our first comps i think we did pretty well, althought not very happy with you beating me to 115 bench haha
And maybe one more.Will have 5 guys squat over 300kg at ProRawTwo
I really want to name them, but you'll have to wait.
I'm not including Matt in that list, though I reckon he can. Same goes for Gregg Gordon.
I know he can, but I dont know if he will
21 male lifters (7 juniors/teenagers)
10 squatted over 200kg
5 benched over 140kg
15 deadlifted over 200kg
A massive apology to Nathan Jones.
Nathan pulled 280kg, then 305kg, setting himself up for 317.5kg, a 700lb raw deadlift.
He missed it.
Then Gawain attempted 317.5kg, after the spotters had started to strip the bar. Gawain dropped it after pulling it up easily.
Nathan then said he thought we had misloaded his bar. On my iPhone it looked okay.
Watching it then on my screen as I was uploading it, the bar was loaded to 327.5kg.
Take into account the bar itself actually weighs 21.4kg, he actually pulled 328.9kg to over his knees, thats 725lbs.
That is world class, and I apologize for our stuff up Nathan
Nice pull anyway.
The vids are being uploaded now