News just in, Nina said she will be baking her famous muffins for the lifters.
The sad news is, if you get there AFTER Nick, you wont even know what they looked like.
As far as weigh in goes, I'll be there at 9.00am, lifters can weigh in from that time on.
Looks like I'll have to get up bright and early, as they say never try to eat after powerlifters eat.
Can't wait for the comp, am pretty excited.
Markos...where can one feed up the night before?
Come to PTC on Friday night, most of us will be there.
We'll probably go out and get a feed together. We are surrounded by choices where we are situated.
I'll be setting things up on Friday night with the help of the guys.
What time are you getting in?
If you're staying near frankston Big Mouth Burger do an 800gm burger that's pretty good.
Beef, chicken breast, bacon, and eggs.
I'll see if I can organize to pick lifters up from Tullamarine
If any Victorians can help, please post on here to make arrangements.
we normally do this for interstate PTC comps Nathan, so please dont get a big head and think youre Royalty lol