If I had my time again I'd do 45min session across the board. 30mins is too short for almost anyone & there's no time to bond which is important if you want long term clients. Conversly 1hr was too long for most & often dragged in my opinion.
This has been my experience. My private sessions are 45'00", no choice about the sessions in gyms, though.
In practice the clients I like will get longer than their 30'00".
Personally I felt I could keep track of everyone fairly well but I got into the zone of putting in relative to what my clients did. I spent hours writing programs/doing extra stuff & spending extra time with people that were dedicated & were nice to be around. Others that were slack got the slack me
I'm not slack with anyone, I'm not interested in 50 minutes of chit-chat and 10 minutes of work. Not saying that's how everyone should be, every trainer has their own style. That ain't mine. However, I do put in extra for some clients.
I want three things in a client, they should be,
- likeable - we get along
- reliable - not a matter of their showing up all the time on time, but they should give as much notice as they possibly can
- hardworking - during the sessions, no complaints, putting the effort in
For me to keep a client, they must have 2/3 of those. If they're hardworking and reliable but I don't really like them, I'll put up with them because they deserve to get good results, they're working for them. If they're a bit flakey but work hard when they show up and really I like them, or if they're a bit lazy in sessions but are really reliable and I like them, I'll cut them some slack.
But if they are lazy and unreliable, however much I like them, they're out. And so on. Only 1/3, well maybe it's just me, so I'll try to find them another trainer. 0/3 I just fire them.
This is somewhat affected by where I'm working. One gym has direct debit membership, the other pay-as-you-go, at the latter if the person doesn't show I don't get paid, at the former I can choose to charge them anyway. So obviously at one place I will tolerate unreliable people for a bit longer.
If they have all 3 qualities, then I will put in extra effort for them, researching stuff relative to their goals and giving them the information, if I've no appointment immediately after theirs the session may go over time, and so on. I treat them with extra care because they're great clients, ideally ALL of my clients would be likeable, reliable and hardworking - I want them to stick around.
As well, only for those with all 3 qualities, a fourth issue comes in - do their particular goals interest me? I don't care about sixpack abs, for example, but if someone wants to get strong, I am all into that. Then the person is getting 4/3, more than 100% - and then I'm
really stepping out to help them, they'll get free sessions and all sorts.