Yes im so glad we have people who want to build rocket ships but eat 2 minute noodles for lunch because they are 98% fat free.
Why you care if they eat two minute noodles? Some people eat what they like and don't have any body issues. I eat junk I know what it can do to you, & making you fat is not the major problem, it can cause so many different types of cancers. People should be more educated on what harm it does to your body then worrying about making you fat
I disagree with 99% of what you said and the way you said it.
How is a child suposed to have a chance. School should teach us about life because the world is perfect like you describe it.
World is not perfect where you get the idea that I think the world is perfect?
Parents are idiots and what i hope for is it to stop there rather then getting passed on to generations after generation of people who think ."it cant be that bad".
Not all parents are idoits, you are just making a generalization. Parents should be bringing their children up in a healthy environment otherwise don't have children
Becuase your parents dont know or are not willing to find out does that make it right to dom the child? **** no... And im sorry once the child unerstands neough tomake a difference they either 1. dont have the support 2. dont have the money or 3. the damage is done.
If you have put on weight which I'm assuming that is what your talking about the damage can most certainly be reversed, you don't need a lot of money to have a healthy lifestyle that is just a cop out excuse, people should learn to do things even when they have no support
So im sorry the world is not the perfect place you describe.
I never describe it perfect
It isnt always about stupidity.. Im sure there are plenty of things you do out of ignorance that "cant be that bad" . That bad just comes down to knowledge on subjects. If you know nothing about nutrition then krispy kremes once a day isnt that bad. The more you learn the less the "not so bad" catagory gets.
Krispy kremes lol everyone knows that is bad
Then you get the people who give you the same argument as the smokers " Got to die of something"... This just wreaks of ignorance, and selfishness.. People are born with problems and would do anything to be healthy and happy and live a relativly normal life then some people with health throw it all away because they are to useless to know what they have.
There are a lot of things bad for your body, drugs, sugar, sun, smokes, seriods, taking too many pain killers. Everyone does something that harms their body. You telling me you do nothing that doesn't cause you harm? Yes we live once, we have no control over when we pass, we should live a life that makes us happy and if that means putting your life at risk then so be it but I'm not talking smoking, I'm talking about people who have a passion for something that is dangerous but this is getting off topic.
Have you ever watched TV, read a magazine? This is where people get their infomation, lean cuisine this, healthy choice that 98% fat free this. No added sugar.
They should get their information from books written by people who are experts in that field. You shouldn't believe everything you see on TV because it is usually taken out of context so that it gets people's attention.
Blah blah blah... People give up they dont understand and once again they think it isnt that bad. People dont understand giving casein protein or gluten to a child with even a mild case on the autism spectrum can flood their body with opioids/and ethanol causing brian/liver problems.
People can not always be aware of more complex problems, how many people out their get diagnose with cancer and have no clue what to do that will help treat the problem?? Unless you read up on it and what drugs do what, you have to always rely on the doctor which sometimes not always correct. We learn from our mistakes, hopefully we learn before its too late.
Once again you said you ate junk all through childhood adolesence. So the same can be said to you? Were you really that dumb to not know? It isnt fair to make it so simple.
I didn't like eating vegies I did not like the taste, children don't care if its bad for you. My parents controled my intake of bad food.
Food is not just about weight gain/fat loss. There is so much more to it then that. You can be "within bmi range" and be ridiculously unhealthy. But you are told it is normal becuase it isnt about health it is about a weight. You mentioned you were very skinnu but ate crap food. What has skinny got to do with healthy? The point is we want to emphasise health to people.
Sorry I thought you where more on the line of people being fat, there so much different thoughts on what is bad for you and what causes, what that the subject in school could also be very misleading
Did you know that the mothers diet before she got pregnant, and during pregnancy determins alot of factors with the child for the future before it is even born. Surly it isnt just about turning 16 and reading a book to fix your problems that should of been avoided to start with. We can send people to the moon but cant get people to stop eating shit food? Its not as easy as you think. Its not as easy as i want it to be. But it sure as hell is not as easy as just picking up a book and reading...