Active Member, June10MOTM
It's all about C-reactive protein levels, which in simple English is a measurement that relates to the level of inflammation you have in your body. That is why I take systemic enzymes and be careful to foods that I know would cause me inflammation. Eating protein foods as God intended is best, and that means with their full array of saturated fats (my favourite) which is the most stable of all fats.
Ghee features heavily in our cooking which is a clarified butter fat I've been having since childhood.
Having said that, balance in everything will always reign supreme above all else.
Pretty much any food that turns to sugar quickly (including potatoes wheat ect) turns on genes for inflamation and insulin resistance. Interesting that... The key is sugar control.
It was a well documented study... They had equel calories and equel fat protein and equel carbs however 1 group had potatoes wheat ect and the other had rye.
THe rye group demonstrated 70 or so genes for improved inflamaiton and insulin resistance the other gorup had 62 or so genes turned on for inflamation and insuin resistance...
Ill find the study fadi you will be intrigued.