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What's the best Personal Trainer course? I'm in Melbourne

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Don't even click links on the AIF site, once they have your details they nag you for months.

If you contact me privately, we can talk and discuss things easily.

Ok, I just realised that I forgot about you telling me this *smacks forehead*. Gah! I could have saved myself from this dramatic thread :rolleyes:

Now that I have actually gone back and re-read my own thread from the beginning, yes, I remember you saying this. I did register my details for some information but I haven't called them back and they haven't bothered me. They did call one day but my son was going mental having a tantrum in the background so I said "call back later" and when they did I ignored their call and will just ignore them until they stop calling ;)

Kyle, it took me about 3 seconds to realise that RMIT is the best course for me, I don't need to read a novel of a thread to figure that out for myself. So I'm sorry if it annoys you that I don't wish to read your epic thread but I've decided which course and no longer need to research WHICH course to do.

Thank you to those who suggested getting the course text books to read, brilliant idea :) I already do read lots of things about training and nutrition, but to actually know what they focus on will be a great head start.

I'd be happy for this thread to die now, I have gotten what I need from it.

oh, and thanks for the laugh Zarcov :D
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I'd be happy for this thread to die now, I have gotten what I need from it.
And die it shall.
Good Luck in your quest to become a PT. The world definately needs more female PT's to show timid middle aged ladies how to do leg extensions and tricep kickbacks. :rolleyes:
Anymore suggestions on courses here?
I'm looking for the best continuing education course.
I am a personal trainer but always looking to further my education.
I just read the whole thing, and I cant believe it took 4 pages for me to be mentioned in a thread about rudeness, a thread I had never even read, and by bloody Kyle again lol

For you guys that havent met Kyle, he has zero malice in him at all.

Now about this PT caper, I have 5 kids, no time for a cert, can I still get a gig teaching breathing on bouncy balls?
I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading this thread. Lizzyjean...LOL

I wonder if she went through witt her quest to become a PT?
I hope not, the world does not need another one like her destroying the hopes of middle aged women who cannot get results due to poor guidance.
I just read the whole thing, and I cant believe it took 4 pages for me to be mentioned in a thread about rudeness, a thread I had never even read, and by bloody Kyle again lol
Well I was just saying that online we can appear a bit harsher than we really are. You seemed like a good example.

PTC said:
For you guys that havent met Kyle, he has zero malice in him at all.
You only met me once. Actually looking back, this was pretty malicious.
Kyle said:
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, and are not interested in researching or understanding things. In that case, AIF will be perfect for you.
That's actually really insulting.

PTC said:
Now about this PT caper, I have 5 kids, no time for a cert, can I still get a gig teaching breathing on bouncy balls?
I find it hard to imagine you working at Curves.
Shrek said:
I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading this thread. Lizzyjean...LOL

I wonder if she went through witt her quest to become a PT?
Well, as an admin you might know her real name, if she registers with Fitness Australia you can do a search there and see if she shows up.

Remember, just because they sign up for a course doesn't mean they'll finish it. Just because they finish it doesn't mean they'll pass. And just because they pass doesn't mean they'll work in the industry. Like I said, 4 out of my classes totals of 42 working somewhere in the fitness industry, only 2 as trainers. And Danco reckons at most 10 of his class of 25, though I reckon he's probably being naively optimistic and it'll be more like 2-4.
And Danco reckons at most 10 of his class of 25, though I reckon he's probably being naively optimistic and it'll be more like 2-4.

Haha. Yeah, we'll see how we go. At least 2 or 3 already have jobs lined up. So although i may be a little optimistic, my original number of max 10 may make it into the industry.

However, as you have pointed out in another thread, making it into the industry doesn't mean s h i t. Longevity is where it's at.

Also, out of a few of those who already have jobs lined up, most are at places like Finance First :p
I'm not sure you can call Fitness First "employment." You pay rent, receive no payment for rostered hours, and only income for PT sessions you sell.

That's being self-employed, not employed. Anyone the day after a course can say, "I'm self-employed as a -" etc.

It'd be like me saying, "Well I'm willing to paint someone's house... I'm a self-employed painter, now!" Hmmm :)
Haha yeah true that. Ah well, will hopefully keep in touch with them and know more a few months down the track how they are all going.
hahaha! Geez, this old thread :rolleyes:

I'm still undecided about the PT thing. I separated from my husband 2 weeks ago and my focus now is on our 3.5 year old son and his wellbeing.

I've joined a gym near his kinder and TBH, I think I *may* just stick to TRAINING in a gym, rather than working in one ;). I'm still young (32) so I've got plenty of time to decide.

I think I might find something else to study that is more academic, like a proper uni degree. I'm qualified in real estate, and work one day a week doing that, but the more I think about PT, the more I think that the gym is just a place where I workout, not perhaps somewhere that I want to work.

You guys can really be pretty cruel sometimes you know. You have no idea how hard I do train at the gym, I feel like you just sit there thinking I'm some flabby middle aged woman dabbling with the idea of PT. I'm f*cking NOT. I'm a 32 year old recently-single mother who is just trying to get by in life, and just so happen to be in pretty good shape!

Anyway, see ya. Wouldn't wanna be ya :p
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