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help me diet yodas



Im trying to shed around 10 pounds or so of pure BF. How does this sound to the more knowledgable folk?
My stats are 177cm, 75kilos, looking to lean out. Im a bit soft for 165 pounds, despite not being a high number, i really want that 6 pack and not a soft definition of a 4 pack! ya know, those ab 'lines' but no cut. At a guess (i dont know my BF), im around 12 to 15 at a guess. Body type a mix between endo and meso despite my size. Broad shoulders, slow metabolism, but puts fat and muscle on easily. In any event heres my diet:

30 min walk upon rising on empty tummy
1/2 cup oats (and dash of honey), scoop of myofusion with water
PW/Out banana and isolate (scoop)
150gms chicken, 2/3 cup brown rice
scoop myofusion 2/3 cup brown rice, 1 tbsp peanut butter
chicken/beef salad (approx 80gms red meat or chicken) with lettuce, tomato, bean shoots, beetroot, capsicum, l/fat cheese, pickles, and usually a low fat sauce/dressing
Diet ski yoghurt (75 cals, cures a sweet tooth!)
Myofusion scoop, 1tbsp peanut butter

Breaking it down to macros:
Total Cals NOT including salad dinner
1936, carbs 146gms (584cals), protein 190gms (760cals)
Now im unsure of the salads total cals and macros. I never really counted salad as im not chasing 4 percent body fat here, but 10 would be nice.

Training is 5 day split weights, walk 30 mins on empty tummy around 5 times per week, 2 times HIIT training (run sprints), 3 times steady state cardio (jog, RPM class, 30mins)

I get the sneaking suspicion im not eating enough? For argument sake the salad could be 300 cals, thats 2236 cals to lean out. Being only 165 pounds is this enough food? too much? macros no good?

I have a few collegues at the gym who are my weight but ripped to shreds, who swear they eat tonnes and cant stop. Hence my assumption of not eating enough? I am freinds with an ex-pro who used to do PT on the side, who says he puts girls on 2000cals a day to lean out and i should bump up to 3000 cals atleast. He swears that UP TO A POINT, the more you eat (clean) the more BF you lose. Its just a mental hurdle to clear in your head (ie, low cal equals less BF).

Any opinions? rip it apart :D


ok minor tweak

30 min walk upon rising on empty tummy
1/2 cup oats (and dash of honey), scoop of myofusion with water
PW/Out banana and isolate (scoop)
150gms chicken, 2/3 cup brown rice
scoop myofusion 2/3 cup brown rice,
chicken/beef salad (approx 80gms red meat or chicken) with lettuce, tomato, bean shoots, beetroot, capsicum, l/fat cheese, pickles, and usually a low fat sauce/dressing
Myofusion scoop, 1tbsp peanut butter

thus removed diet yoghurt and 1 tbspn of p/butter

Breaking it down to macros
Total Cals NOT including salad dinner
cals 1764, carbs 132gms (528cals), protein 179gms (716cals)
Now im unsure of the salads total cals and macros.

Now being 165 pounds at 177cm, training 5 day a week weights split, walk 30 mins every morn, plus 3x longer duration jogging cardio and 2 x hiit (i run 100m sprints)...reflecting on this my cals look low still. 1764, lets say the chicken salad is 300 at absolute most, thats now 2064. Which looks better when trying to lean out perhaps? Is this little tweak better?

Supps- novedex xt, glutamine, creatine, vit c, multi, magnesium + zinc

sorry for the long post, im banging my head against a wall is all :mad:
I am not going to go into details as it will contradict what I am about to say next. Don't go too much into the details, eat healthy, premake your food, dont over eat carbs, take more carbs in around your workout time than other times ,eat regularly and exercise hard. If you want to go to super low single digit body fat then you may need such a strict eating plan.
Shrek: i did at one stage take no protein supps and pre-cooked and bagged 150gm lots of chook boob, but i found i put alot of weight (good and bad) with it too. I was eating around 700gms of chook a day and that was burning my wallet too :(

Dave: i can do strict if need be, i feel like im spinning my wheels a bit here. I have done everything from near zero carb (less than 50gms/day) to higher carb etc. Im not buying into the genetic limiting thoughts, i plan to keep going for near on single digit figures if possible. But something is getting in my way, i can eat strict with a cheat once per week, but im not 100% sure if what im currently doing will work long term. I have been doing it for 2 weeks and the scales read the same.
Buy non branded protein then.
Also what was the rest of your diet like?

Buy tuna it's cheaper.

Buy thigh fillets it cheaper. Lot's of alternatives.
the rest of my diet at the time, was cycling carbs, between brown rice, pineapple, oats etc from around 150gms a day to 350gms.
I so wish i could eat tuna, im allergic to seafood. I hear ya re: thigh fillets. Its not as 'clean' but a hell of a lot cheaper.

I can manipulate the cals alright, im just unsure of how much is too much or not enough. When i did the above i didnt count cals but i knew the carb content purely because it was cyclic.
30 min walk upon rising on empty tummy
1/2 cup oats (and dash of honey), scoop of myofusion with water
PW/Out banana and isolate (scoop)
150gms chicken, 2/3 cup brown rice
scoop myofusion 2/3 cup brown rice, 1 tbsp peanut butter
chicken/beef salad (approx 80gms red meat or chicken) UP THIS to about 200g with lettuce, tomato, bean shoots, beetroot, capsicum, l/fat cheese, pickles, and usually a low fat sauce/dressing
Diet ski yoghurt (75 cals, cures a sweet tooth!)
Myofusion scoop, 1tbsp peanut butter

i don't agree with running when trying to get a built lean physique, powerwalking is the go IMO
I really think you are overcomplicating things.

Gym + conditioning work + eating healthy foods in realistic amounts will get you where you want to be (leaner but not single digit lean).

I also think you need to eat more not less (I was 75kg in highschool) but that's up to you and what you're after.
If you want to get crazy wait till you need to go below the 8-10% BF level then by all means go for it. Until then just take it easy and simplify things so you can actually live a real life and not add extra stress.
Timmy, do this for three months solid (everyday) then report back to us. Let’s Lose Some Fat Mass…

The name of the game here is consistency. Let's see you maintain some serious consistency for just 3 months of your life. You're placing way too much emphasis on food for my liking and it's beginning to look complicated.

It's always best to let your metabolism take care of burning the extra calories by increasing its efficiency. HIIT is where it's at in my opinion. Your morning walk is great for some mind relaxation as well as for getting your joints moving and not much more than that. Always think fat burning after you have completed your workout and not during it. In other words your workout should elevate your metabolism to such an extent as to help you expand extra calories just by reading my words as you're doing right this instant.

Another thing to think about is that fat burns in the engine of muscles. The more muscles you have or can maintain, the more fat you will lose. That's another reason why I don't advocate jogging or anything done for prolonged period. Firstly it's a joint killer and secondly, it raises your cortisol level since it places your body under stress.

What I have prescribed for you above goes for no longer than 10 minutes, with only 100 seconds of all out balls to the wall intensity. All I'm asking is for a 3 months of no wavering whatsoever. Are you up for the challenge? But becareful, fat won't be the only thing you'd be losing, your heart and lungs would also improve in their capacity to do their daily job in keeping you alive, that's the icing on the cake if you want to take the challenge.

All the best Timmy.

5 day split bodypart program
cardio 25-30mins powerwalk after NOT before training 6.5-7km per hr pace

You diet looks good
thanks for the link Fadi...i was doing a fair bit of HIIT, 2-3x per week, however it was 20 mins...it was 100m sprints at 90% (not 100 like you advocate) though. My main problem was, i believe, i was doing this straight after weights and for 20 mins. I think it was just too much for my body and probably chewing through muscle due to the lack of glycogen.

I see you advocate to do this every day?
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5 day split bodypart program
cardio 25-30mins powerwalk after NOT before training 6.5-7km per hr pace

You diet looks good

Cheers Derka- as mentioned above i think i was timing the HIIT pretty badly. Being 75kilos im not huge so to speak, but i dont really want to be...just lean.
thanks for the link Fadi...i was doing a fair bit of HIIT, 2-3x per week, however it was 20 mins...it was 100m sprints at 90% (not 100 like you advocate) though. My main problem was, i believe, i was doing this straight after weights and for 20 mins. I think it was just too much for my body and probably chewing through muscle due to the lack of glycogen.

I see you advocate to do this every day?

Timmy, I set out this program precisely the way it is for more than one good reason. One of these reasons is sustainability. You see Timmy; I’m not asking you (or anyone else for that matter) to do something that is beyond human. That is why I’m asking for a burst of only 10 seconds and no more and I mean not even 1 second more! An Olympic sprinter would go all out for a 10 seconds blast in the 100m sprint event and takes few minutes to get his breath back; we’re not better than these Olympians that we should think to raise the 10 seconds even higher to up the intensity. I’ve taken the recovery aspect into consideration by giving you 50 seconds of active recovery time to enable you to perform another burst and so on until the 10 minutes are up. Like I said before, this is only a total of 1 minute and 40 seconds of an all out effort.

Since my emphasis is on speeding up your metabolism, I asked you to perform the program for 7 days straight for a total of 3 months. Now if you can do two or three blocks of these 10 minutes program throughout the day (possibly on your day off from work/Uni), then results would obviously come your way much quicker. You’re basically transforming a 4 cylinder engine into a turbo charged V8 beast that will be the new Timmy (if you want it bad enough that is). High frequency training (HFT) is what I’m after here because there’s simply nothing more scrumptious on this earth than high frequency training for your metabolism to munch on and rev your whole system up into the Bugatti Veyron territory.

I see you advocate to do this every day?
More than once a day if possible Timmy. It's all about the results here.


Take care.

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Listen to Fadi the method works, once you want to go below 8% though (don't know why you would want to go under 10-12 though) it is a different story due to the extreme nature of your low fat mass. To get you to the singles though it is a great method.
Posted via Mobile Device
deffinately some good advice here, i can understand your desire to reach sub 10% body fat some day but just be aware that it is not something you can sustain, bodybuilders use some extreme methods at times to reach such low body fat and they put their bodies under some stress, if its a goal you wish to reach then best of luck to you my friend, i am sure enough that using the methods stated here by Fadi and a few others will be enough to see yourself reach closer to 10%BF and you will most deffinately look ripped. I myself some day would like to reach 12%. Just remember the one main thing, you should be happy with what your doing to your body, and how you set out to acheive your results, if your not happy sticking to a simple method to reach 12ish % then you most likely wont be happy trying to get lower than that due to the strictness of its nature... Best of luck :)
thanks for all the advice and help guys much appreciated!
I myself some day would like to reach 12%. :)

That's because your listening to the wrong advice about how to go about it

Timmy maintaining sub 10% year round is easy and completely fine health wise. I've got a full 6 pack year round and would class myself as under 10% year round and i do it with ease because i know how to.
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Timmy maintaining sub 10% year round is easy and completely fine health wise. I've got a full 6 pack year round and would class myself as under 10% year round and i do it with ease because i know how to.

That is not the bodybuilding way Derka and you know it. You go ahead staying at your 10% fat level and there won't be much in the way of added muscles as time goes by. So my advice to you if you're hoping to get huge would be to not remain at such a low fat percentage level.
